Saturday 16 November 2019

Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?

The sky is dark and the rain is heavy here in the UK. Hoo boy, we deep in fall alright. This can facilitate multiple issues, from transport problems to soggy work clothes, cancelled plans and poorly-shifting moods. Still, it is the weekend, and for a lot of us that means its time to relax with the things and people we love, to hell with damp jeans and 19:00 bedtimes. Whatever you're up to this weekend, be good to yourself, and find a moment to do something you're passionate about, no matter how small.

Speaking of dark skies, I'm currently elbows-deep in Hunter Killers and T-800s, as I pick my way through the grim future of Reef Entertainment's Terminator Resistance. It's a bit like those nightmares Kyle Reese has in the movies, except with far more side quests and less burning photographs. You can check out my first impressions right here, with a full review to come at the start of the week. Anyway, I gotta get back to making Plastique.

But this is that time of the week where we ask you, our beloved community, what you've been playing (or have lined up for the weekend). We're heading toward the end of the major release schedule, so the cold nights should at least provide you the opportunity to snuggle up to some of 2019's best releases. Drop us a note below and fill us in on what's keeping your home fires burning.

Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.

Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid? screenshot

from Destructoid

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