Monday 27 April 2020

Animal Crossing dataminer uncovers tarantula nerf, possible New Leaf feature

Let's start with the non-spoilery stuff first.

Twitter user Ninji continues to tear through the Animal Crossing: New Horizons code, and has found yet another nerf following the reduction of monthly bank interest. This time, Nintendo came for the bugs.

Seemingly not happy with the "force tarantulas to spawn" trick, a lot of bug spawn rates have been nerfed, especially said tarantulas and scorpions. While several creatures like butterflies and moths have been hit, tarantulas and scorpions take the brunt of the alteration, with decreases across the board. You can find the full chart below.

Okay, spoiler time, this is your second warning.

Animal Crossing dataminer uncovers tarantula nerf, possible New Leaf feature screenshot


from Destructoid

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