Thursday 15 November 2018

The 300 Week 45: Almost There... Almost There...

Hey there, howlers, and welcome back to The 300, my big-eyed, big-eared, sharp-toothed attempt to see 300 movies in theaters in 2018. I’ll be watching new releases, classics, hidden gems, and festival films to experience the wide world of cinema in all its forms. With so much moviegoing variety, I hope there’s something in this picnic basket for you to enjoy.

As always, there are three rules for The 300:

  • The movie must be at least 40 minutes long, meeting the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ definition of a feature film.
  • I must watch the movie at a movie theater, screening room, or outdoor screening venue.
  • While I can watch movies I’ve seen before 2018, I cannot count repeated viewings of the same film in 2018 multiple times.

A busy week as I try to bring The 300 on home. I’ve only got five movies left, and I know what they are. Oddly, this is another week with projection issues, with a 35mm print (of Gleaming the Cube, if you can believe it) requiring a few minutes to fix, and a 16mm print (of A Midsummer Night’s Dream) getting warped and warbly in the final minutes of the movie. That means more projection and print problems in the last five weeks than I have experienced the entire rest of the year. It’s odd how that happens. Maybe this is a sign from the movie gods that this was a mistake. On that point, I wish to remain agnostic.

It was an interesting week of moviegoing as I caught up with a few more October releases I missed, and I got to fill some big holes in movie nerd knowledge. I’ve got nine movies to write up this week, and since I’m a little low on time, my thoughts may be relatively brief. Seeing 295 movies takes up a lot of hours. I will give you a minutes count next week.

Count them down on your fingers, folks. We’re almost there.

And so, onward.

The 300 Week 45: Almost There... Almost There... screenshot


from destructoid

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