Friday 30 November 2018

Life Is Strange 2 Episode 2 Sets Its Sights on Early 2019

life is strange 2 episode 2 release

It’s kind of hard to believe, but the first episode of Life is Strange 2 already released over two months ago. Since then, the team at Dontnod has been surprisingly quiet on release plans for the second episode. Never fear though, because we now know that the episode, known as Rules, will release sometime in January 2019. Thankfully, that isn’t too far off now.

Dontnod revealed the news on the official Life is Strange Tumblr blog, with plans to give more information in December 2018. The four-month gap is a little surprising, since the first Life is Strange released new episodes roughly every two months. The developer said that this is because the overall scale of Life is Strange 2 is bigger than its predecessor. Anyone who played the first episode will immediately know this to be true.

As opposed to the first one, which took place in the town of Arcadia Bay, Life is Strange 2 is a cross-country road trip. Obviously, we’re still not sure where the story will take us, but everything does seem grander this time around. There’s still the matter of how The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit factors into all of this, as well.

The other question is if this four-month release cycle will hold for the rest of the season. If it does, that could mean we may not see Life is Strange 2 finish out until early 2020. If that is the case, it would be quite a long wait for those invested in Sean and Daniel’s journey. We’ll just have to wait and see what Dontnod is planning.

[Source: Tumblr]

The post Life Is Strange 2 Episode 2 Sets Its Sights on Early 2019 appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

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