Sunday 29 July 2018

This low key custom Zelda: Breath of the Wild Game Boy Advance SP put me in the mood to play Minish Cap

My small Game Boy museum is one of my favorite aspects of my gaming collection. At any point I can pull out a piece of hardware and relive a classic game from any handheld generation -- and depending on the Game Boy I choose, different color schemes.

That's why this custom Game Boy SP (one of the best portables Nintendo ever made) caught my eye from Reddit user moviebuffnerd. It's a simple design, utilizing the Sheikah Eye from Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and it just goes to show you that anyone is capable of making a sleek custom piece of hardware. The fact that he has Minish Cap popped in there, one of the best Zeldas, is the icing on the cake.

I don't think I'll be inking my Pokemon collector DSes anytime soon but I may try to experiment in the future with a spare SP.

moviebuffnerd [Reddit]

This low key custom Zelda: Breath of the Wild Game Boy Advance SP put me in the mood to play Minish Cap screenshot


from destructoid

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