Wednesday 31 January 2018

You'll be able to ride a chocobo in Everybody's Golf next month

Upcoming Final Fantasy content might be just the excuse I need to get back into Everybody's Golf after a long break. As part of the series' 30th anniversary, Square Enix is prepping a crossover with the cheery PlayStation 4 golf title. Folks, this is not a drill: you'll get to ride a chocobo around courses.

According to Famitsu, the DLC is planned for February 26 in Japan. Along with the chocobo (which will cost 500 yen), Everybody's Golf will also land a Final Fantasy-themed golf cart and an anniversary cup. The latter will offer participants some cactuar-themed clothing and a moogle costume.

No word on a western release yet, but if Assassin's Creed Origins of all things can get Final Fantasy content, it's bound to be coming. I look forward to seeing folks zoom around on their chocobo.

[Via Ryokutya2089]

You'll be able to ride a chocobo in Everybody's Golf next month screenshot

from destructoid

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