Wednesday 31 January 2018

Have a rad time this weekend with Fallout 4's free PC trial

Bethesda's Fallout 4 is in for the long-haul. The open-world RPG, which launched way back in 2015 (can you believe it?) has maintained a growth of new fans, with steady, consistent sales and several returns to the Top Ten of the UK charts, nearly three years after its release.

If you're a PC owner, who never got the chance to check it out, this week sees a free trial for the popular adventure title . You can play Fallout 4 from February 1 through February 4 and, if you get a kick out of its desolation, then you can purchase the full game with a hefty 33% price discount. That'll save you some bottlecaps.

If that's not enough, Bethesda are also slashing the price of the game's Season Pass, and its individual expansion packs, by up to half their original cost. So, if you've ever fancied taking a stroll through the Commonwealth and seeing if its the kind of place you'd like to settle down. Be sure to jump on the opportunity this weekend.

Have a rad time this weekend with Fallout 4's free PC trial screenshot


from destructoid

Blizzard rolls out nerfs for Mercy and Junkrat in Overwatch

Blizzard has been trying to tone down Mercy's toolkit for a while now, and there are more changes to contend with as of today's Overwatch update. The nerfs-in-testing have surfaced in the live game.

Fresh off the PTR, her ultimate ability Valkyrie no longer makes Resurrect instant and it also doesn't grant another charge of Resurrect. What's more, the speed boost to Guardian Angel has been decreased by 50 percent and Valkyrie now runs for 15 seconds instead of 20 seconds like before.

"Mercy's recent Resurrect changes have helped in allowing enemies to have more counter play in dealing with her, but she was able to use Resurrect through Valkyrie enough to largely mitigate the impact of the previous changes. Additionally, we're toning back the amount of mobility Valkyrie provides through Guardian Angel and reducing its duration to overall reduce the power of this ability."

Also in this update: a nerf for Junkrat! Just one, though.

Concussion Mine won't deal as much damage to targets that are farther away from the explosion's center, so "he can still dish out similar damage but he must now be more accurate with his tosses."

Mercy was my main during the early days of Overwatch, before Blizzard blessed her with Valkyrie, so I haven't really had to deal with the character's recent ups and downs. (Aside from competing against her, I mean. She tends to show up in a lot of matches!) That said, even if I prefer playing as Lúcio and Zen these days, it'll be nice to have Mercy in a stable place again. One day. Maybe.

"We will likely be iterating on these changes in the coming weeks," Blizzard says.

[ALL] Overwatch Patch Notes – January 30, 2018 [Blizzard]

Blizzard rolls out nerfs for Mercy and Junkrat in Overwatch screenshot

from destructoid

We chatted with the World of Warcraft team about the massive level scaling rollout and what it means for the game's future

Odds are if you started World of Warcraft in the last few years, you may not have even seen several of the zones -- or entire expansions for that matter. Old content has long been a burden or a boon for MMOs, and when you're knee deep in six expansions, the prospect of starting one up can seem insurmountable.

Patch 7.3.5, which dropped earlier this month, changes that with a complete world overhaul, introducing level scaling into the mix. I talked to Paul Kubit (senior designer) and Shani Edwards (producer) about how the community has been taking to this shakeup.

We chatted with the World of Warcraft team about the massive level scaling rollout and what it means for the game's future screenshot


from destructoid

First Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer has a giant Pez dispenser

Ant-Man is easily Marvel's most underrated film. Not the Edgar Wright classic we were sure to get (still bitter), but people don't give it the props it deserved. The movie was a little heist film in the middle of a giant Marvel universe, and it just turned out fun, while also being a nice break from the bigger cinematic universe. Of course now Ant-Man is kind of an Avenger, and that means things are opening up a bit.

The first trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp is the first film since Civil War to focus on one of the Avengers who was arrested for siding with Captain America, and that means that AMatW will be a lot more heavily connected to the Marvel universe as a whole. This isn't entirely a bad thing. It still appears the story will be pretty self-contained with not even a whiff of a cameo from another Avenger bolster it up. The last few Marvel films have been more crossovers than solo projects, but this one already has two heroes so why add more. Plus, entirely ditching that self-contained feeling of the original wouldn't be so great as I think Ant-Man and Wasp work really well in their own world. 

You may also be scratching your head about when this is taking place. Infinity War comes out before this, and traditionally with Marvel films that means that Ant-Man and the Wasp would take place after that. However, there's clearly no Thanos or the side effects of him invading earth in this film. That's because it takes place right after Civil War ends. That means this is both a prequel and a sequel at the same time. 

Aside from that it looks like they're getting really creative with using the shrinking and growing powers in fights. Hopefully the trailer isn't showing us all the cool stuff that returning director Peyton Reed has cooked up. 

First Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer has a giant Pez dispenser screenshot

from destructoid

Dtoid is hosting Canada's largest gaming event! EGLX returns, March 9-11, 2018

We're excited to announce that Destructoid will be presenting next year's Enthusiast Gaming Live Expo. What does that mean, exactly? It means that it's going to get weird, emotional, and definitely more about the community: We're conducting a community survey on what you'd love to see at a Destructoid convention, as well as opening panel and speaker submissions today. 

Submit your panel idea & community survey

To become a part of our expo, simply fill out this form and let us know what you want to see and do at EGLX. New to our convention? Check out the video below!

Dtoid is hosting Canada's largest gaming event! EGLX returns, March 9-11, 2018 screenshot


from destructoid

A lot of Rockstar's best games are all lumped together in the newest Humble Bundle

Publisher-centric deals are no stranger to Humble's home page. Every Humble Bundle usually has some sort of discernible theme, and a lot of times it's just a collection of games from a company like Ubisoft or Square Enix. Rarely does a publisher have this many beloved titles all for sale in one place though.

Rockstar is the, uhh, rockstar of the latest Humble Bundle. Here are the games you can grab. People who contribute to the "pay what you want" tier (but at least $1) get:

A lot of Rockstar's best games are all lumped together in the newest Humble Bundle screenshot


from destructoid

You'll be able to ride a chocobo in Everybody's Golf next month

Upcoming Final Fantasy content might be just the excuse I need to get back into Everybody's Golf after a long break. As part of the series' 30th anniversary, Square Enix is prepping a crossover with the cheery PlayStation 4 golf title. Folks, this is not a drill: you'll get to ride a chocobo around courses.

According to Famitsu, the DLC is planned for February 26 in Japan. Along with the chocobo (which will cost 500 yen), Everybody's Golf will also land a Final Fantasy-themed golf cart and an anniversary cup. The latter will offer participants some cactuar-themed clothing and a moogle costume.

No word on a western release yet, but if Assassin's Creed Origins of all things can get Final Fantasy content, it's bound to be coming. I look forward to seeing folks zoom around on their chocobo.

[Via Ryokutya2089]

You'll be able to ride a chocobo in Everybody's Golf next month screenshot

from destructoid

Review: OK K.O.! Let's Play Heroes

As Cartoon Network begins losing the major cartoon shows that brought the network to the forefront of animation over the last decade, they're going to need to turn to shows with a great amount of promise and throw all of their support behind them. 

One such show is OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, a series as perfectly fitted to a video game as one can be. A charming, electrically charged show with an infectious energy I couldn't wait to see play out in a game. But despite its perfectly tailored premise and personality, OK K.O.! Let's Play Heroes falls prey to the trappings of every other tie-in beat-'em-up. 

Review: OK K.O.! Let's Play Heroes screenshot


from destructoid

Fire Emblem Heroes announcement to be live streamed tonight

Nintendo have announced on twitter that they will be streaming an announcement tonight concerning popular mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes. Little is known about the content of said announcement, but Nintendo describe the upcoming FeH Channel stream as "super-relaxing."

In fact, it's so chill that expectations are it'll be little more than thirteen minutes in length. The stream goes live this evening at 19:30PST, 22:30ET or a red-eyed 03:30GMT. The announcement can be watched on the official YouTube page, which is also embedded below.

Fire Emblem Heroes announcement tonight [Twitter]

Fire Emblem Heroes announcement to be live streamed tonight screenshot


from destructoid

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle will feature a simplified control system option

At the recent EVO Japan event, Arc System Works had a playable build of their upcoming fight-fest BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, with reports coming in that the game features a simplified control scheme option, tweaked from its namesake title.

As reported by Siliconera, the team-based fighter is being designed with a wider audience in mind, due to the inclusion of brands such as RWBY. As such, the game will feature "Smart Combos" for ground and air, which can be performed by mashing a single button. This mode will also remove certain D-pad commands, with Dragon Punch maneuvers being performed by simply hitting Square and Cross together. Ground Dashes will be performed by holding forward, though air dashes will still require a double-tap.

This isn't the first time super combos and similarly cool looking attacks have been stripped down, both King of Fighters XIV and the recently-released Dragon Ball FighterZ include these features, designed around allowing new players to do cool shit with a minimum of fuss. In fact, BlazBlue itself has a "Stylish" mode, which reconfigures the controls, mapping special attacks onto an "SP" button.

Whenever "Easy Mode" mechanics show up in fighting titles there is always some grumbling, both from hardcore fighting game fans who work hard at their execution and see skillfully-performed combos as their reward, while some beginners complain that such a mentality is "elitist"-- a baffling accusation which suggests the time a player pours into a game shouldn't reflect how good their abilities might become.

I don't really see the problem in having a simplified option. In my experience, the better player wins out regardless of whether they are using standard inputs or not. The controls might be different for both players, but the fight is generally won in the head, and not always in the hands. An experienced player with standard inputs is at no real disadvantage to a newer player with simplified inputs.

On the other hand, the inclusion of an easier option opens a game up to fans who may not be quite so dedicated to the genre. It also gives beginners a chance to develop an instinct for the flow of a fight, which may lead to them progressing from just mashing an auto-combo ad-infinitum to developing techniques of their own. Simplified controls open a door for new players, whilst not really allowing them an unfair advantage over experienced ones.

Whichever side of the debate you take, it looks like BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle is one of at least three fighters launching this year with easier control mechanics, alongside Dragon Ball FighterZ and SNK Heroines: Tag-Team Frenzy. It seems that in developer efforts to revitalise the fighting game genre on a larger scale, mashing Square is as good an idea as they have got.

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle launches June 5 on PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch.

Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle invites new players with Auto-Combos [Siliconera]

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle will feature a simplified control system option screenshot


from destructoid

What's your weapon of choice in Monster Hunter World?

Looks like we all spent the weekend hunting monsters. I know I sure did. This is my first Monster Hunter game, and I gotta say it's taken a little getting used to. There is a lot to learn, discover, and keep track of, and even with over a dozen hours on the clock I still feel like I'm barely scratching the surface of things. There are so many choices and options available it's a little overwhelming, in a good way.

There was one choice I didn't have any problems with though -- my starting weapon. I knew as soon as I saw it that I was going to pick up the switch axe. 

What's your weapon of choice in Monster Hunter World? screenshot


from destructoid

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero backers will receive a free Steam copy of Ultimate Edition

A tweet posted by Shantae co-creator Matt Bozon announced that backers of cutesy-platformer Shantae: Half-Genie Hero are to receive a free Steam code for the upcoming GOTY-style Ultimate Edition.

Following the tweet through to the game's Kickstarter page, developers WayForward confirm that the codes will be sent out to all backers as a thank-you for the support the game received throughout its development, with the colourful sequel ultimately launching in September of 2016.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - Ultimate Edition will include the original game along with expansion adventures Pirate Queen's Quest and Friends to the End. Also included are the games Hard Core Mode and a selection of the alternate colour palettes and character costumes, which were previously backer-exclusives.

My love of the Shantae series is no secret, and its very cool to see WayForward thank the fanbase with a free copy of the game. Sure, many backers will already have all the content that is available in the Ultimate Edition, but this will provide console players with access to the game on another format, or the code can be gifted to a good buddy. Either way, it's a nice gesture.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero backers will receive a free Steam copy of Ultimate Edition screenshot


from destructoid

Essential Phone skips Android Oreo 8.0 due to stability issues

Android phonemaker Essential is skipping over Android Oreo 8.0 despite running a beta program for the platform these past two months. Apparently, it discovered several stability issues in 8.0 during testing, which it believes will be addressed by 8.1...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Fujifilm brings faster autofocus to its selfie-friendly X-A5

Fujifilm has improved its entry-level mirrorless camera lineup with the retro-styled X-A5, bringing faster autofocus, sort-of 4K video and a microphone input, of all things. The new model has a brand new 24.2-megapixel Bayer (not X-Trans) sensor with...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Microsoft adds support for iOS Files app, drag and drop to OneDrive

Apple's latest operating system for its mobile devices, iOS 11, added a ton of productivity tweaks. One of the biggest is Files, a new, well, file system for iOS that lets users interact more directly with documents and images without having to go th...

from Engadget RSS Feed

August's smart lock links up with Protect America's security systems

You'd think that smart door locks and home security systems would regularly work in harmony, but that's not really the case. More likely than not, you'll have to remember to check the lock after the fact. Not so if you have August's Smart Lock Pro...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Humble is selling Rockstar Games on the cheap to save the rainforest

Want a way to pick up a bulk of Rockstar Games' back catalog and help a good cause? Then head over to Humble where donating $1 or more will get you Grand Theft Auto III, GTA: Vice City and the grisly stealth game Manhunt. Bumping up your pledge to $8...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Alexa can send SMS messages using your voice

To date, messaging with Alexa has meant sending screeds using Amazon's in-house system, which doesn't do you much good if your recipient doesn't have an Echo speaker. You won't have to be quite so selective from now on, however, as Amazon has added...

from Engadget RSS Feed

EA delays ‘Anthem’ until 2019

During last year's E3, BioWare unveiled its next colossal project: Anthem, a sci-fi shooter that looked to rival Activision's Destiny 2. But a week ago, sources told Kotaku that the game, originally slated to arrive in 2018, would be pushed back a ye...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Samsung sets record Q4 profits ahead of Galaxy S9 launch

Samsung's head honcho was found guilty of bribery last year and its vice-chairman stepped down due to "unprecedented crisis," but that didn't affect the Korean conglomerate's cashflow at all. In fact, the company did very well in the fourth quarter o...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Microsoft will preview the Edge browser for iPad next month

Though Microsoft has been rolling out Edge to more devices, iPad users have been left waiting. But it appears that the browser will finally be making its debut on the iPad sometime soon. As Neowin spotted, Sean Lyndersay, an Edge program manager, twe...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Hasbro's viral video-inspired headgear scores your mood for lulz

Teen YouTube is a strange place to the over-30 set, populated with pranks, game streams and possibly most inscrutable of all, challenge videos. YouTube challenges basically ask people to film themselves doing some hard or ridiculous thing, like flipp...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Amazon's Tom Clancy series 'Jack Ryan' premieres August 31st

Want to see how well Tom Clancy's fictional world of spies, soldiers and terrorists translates to streaming services? You now have a date to mark on your calendar, although it'll be a while. Amazon has announced that Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan will premi...

from Engadget RSS Feed

A state-run 5G network is impossible in the US

Axios recently reported that it had discovered a document that revealed something very interesting: The Trump administration was considering a government-run 5G network. According to the memo, this was in order to fight China's upcoming dominance in...

from Engadget RSS Feed

VR runner 'Sprint Vector' launches on February 8th (updated)

Ever wanted to run in virtual reality without smacking into a real wall? You'll have a chance shortly. Survios has revealed that its VR foot racing game Sprint Vector launches February 8th for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, and the 13th for PlayStation VR...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Detailed image of red giant confirms theory about massive stars

The red giant π1 Gruis is 530 light-years away, and it's reaching the end of its natural life. Soon, scientists think it will become a planetary nebula. But before it dies, astronomers are using π1 Gruis to shed light on some of the secrets of...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Coincheck hackers are reportedly trying to unload stolen cryptocurrency

Last week, hackers stole around $534 million worth of cryptocurrency XEM from Tokyo-based exchange Coincheck, and now, Reuters reports, the hackers behind the heist are trying to sell the stolen cryptocurrency. Jeff McDonald, vice president of the NE...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Netflix reportedly in talks with Luc Besson for multi-picture deal

Fans of Léon: The Professional, The Fifth Element, Lucy and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets have reason to get excited. According to Variety, French auteur Luc Besson is in talks with Netflix for a multi-picture deal. According to...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Advocacy group urges Facebook to pull Messenger for Kids

Facebook started rolling out its messaging app for kids last December, offering a standalone app with parental controls built right in. The app is available on iOS and Android Fire tablets, and allows children under the age of 13 to chat with approve...

from Engadget RSS Feed

iOS 11.3 will let iPhone X users approve family purchases with Face ID

iPhone users will a get a handful of new capabilities when Apple releases iOS 11.3 this spring, one of which is sure to be welcomed by parents with an iPhone X. With the introduction of Face ID, some processes got a little easier for iPhone users, bu...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Missouri wants to bring Hyperloop to the midwest

The state of Missouri has signed a deal with Virgin Hyperloop One to investigate if it's worth building a high-speed link between three of its biggest cities. A team of interested parties will examine the feasibility of constructing a route between K...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Facebook bans ads promoting cryptocurrencies

Most of Facebook's recent advertising changes have tried to curb the danger of, you know, a foreign government using the social network to influence elections. But Facebook believes other kinds of harmful ads prey on less-than-savvy users with get-ri...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Fake porn is the new fake news, and the internet isn’t ready

Ever since Facebook finally admitted to having a fake news problem, it's been trying to fix it. It hired thousands of people to help block fake ads, pledged to work with third-party fact-checking organizations and is busy building algorithms to detec...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Justice Dept and SEC are reportedly reviewing Apple’s iPhone slowdowns

In December, Apple admitted to slowing older models of iPhones, saying the practice kept older phones with aging batteries from suddenly rebooting. Apple is now facing multiple lawsuits in the US and abroad as well as an investigation in France. And...

from Engadget RSS Feed

What Trump means when he talks nukes at the State of the Union

President Donald Trump is expected to cover five main topics in his first State of the Union address tonight, including the economy, immigration, infrastructure and trade. The fifth topic, national security, will put the spotlight on North Korea and...

from Engadget RSS Feed

FCC: Officer behind Hawaii false missile alert thought it was real

The FCC has published the preliminary findings of its investigation into Hawaii's false missile alert, and it suggests that the story didn't play out as you might have heard. Where initial reports claimed the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency office...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Pinterest hires Google computer vision expert to sort your Pins

Pinterest is very committed to improving its search technology through AI -- so committed, in fact, that it just hired one of the foremost experts in the field. The social network has announced that it's recruiting Chuck Rosenberg, Google's AI visio...

from Engadget RSS Feed

‘Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia’ Is Now Available on iOS and Android Devices

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia [Free] from Square Enix has finally released on iOS and Android devices in English. It may not be available in all regions at the start but it will slowly roll out as with many social RPGs like this one. Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is the new social RPG from Square Enix with multiplayer modes and turn based combat. Pre-registrations were already underway with the final target being within reach as we inched closer to release day. Watch the trailer for it below:

This release coincides with the main home console Dissidia release on PlayStation 4 which released as well in form of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT. In fact I expect a lot of tie in events across both games to get people interested in trying out Dissidia on another platform. It is going to be interesting seeing how this release plays out and the staying power of the game in general. It feels like we have a new social RPG from Square Enix every month right now. You can download Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia on iOS or Android for free. Check out our forum thread for it here.

from TouchArcade

'Fire Emblem Heroes' Celebrates its Anniversary with a New Mode, New Heroes, and More

It's already been a year since Fire Emblem Heroes [Free], the free-to-play spin-off of Nintendo's long-running tactical RPG franchise, released on iOS and Android. The game has been received quite well by many players and has turned out to be Nintendo's biggest success so far in the challenging mobile market. Part of that must surely be credited to the hard work of the development team, who have listened to player feedback and made frequent updates based on it. Indeed, it's impressive just how much the game has changed in one year. To celebrate the occasion, Nintendo put out a new video today outlining some upcoming additions to the game.

In case you can't or don't want to watch, I'll hit some of the highlights. First up, free orbs. Plenty of them, too. On February 1st, all players will receive 50 orbs free and clear just for logging in. In addition, there will be 25 special daily maps celebrating the anniversary that will be good for another couple of orbs each for clearing them on Normal and Hard difficulty. That's 100 orbs in total without a whole lot of work. You can also look forward to daily Grand Hero Battles and special training maps as well. There is also a Grand Hero Fest event coming up with increased percentages on some of the game's strongest heroes.

The biggest news, in my opinion, is the addition of a new mode. It's called Tap Battle: Illusory Dungeon and it's... a rhythm game? Yeah, I don't know either. But you take your heroes into a multi-stage dungeon where battles take the form of enemies marching towards your characters to pieces of music from the Fire Emblem games. When they get close, you need to tap to send them flying away. Boss battles will require multiple successful taps. In total there are 20 stages with 5 rounds each, and if you complete all 100, you'll get a special prize. Mysteriously, this new mode will only be available for two weeks, starting from February 8th and running through the 22nd. I imagine it will return in the future, though.

Finally, a new version of Ike is being added to the game later today as part of the latest summoning event. Legendary Hero Ike: Vanguard Legend looks like the toughest version of Ike in Fire Emblem Heroes yet. He's joined by an assortment of other rare and powerful heroes that have been part of previous events. There's going to be a voting event soon, and whichever character wins will be given out to every player in their five-star form. All of the characters in the game as of the date the voting begins are potential candidates, so even this brand-new Ike could end up free in everyone's mailbox if the vote goes that way. Just remember, though: when everyone is Ike, no one is Ike.

All in all, it looks like Fire Emblem Heroes won't be slowing down anytime soon. As an old fan of the series, it's been weird watching Fire Emblem become such a prominent part of Nintendo's line-up, but I can't say I'm unhappy about it. It wasn't that long ago that I feared the series would be ended the way Advance Wars was, and here we are now with Ike and company being the jewels in Nintendo's mobile crown. I'm sure this won't be the last anniversary this game celebrates, so bring on those free orbs!

from TouchArcade

Track: Condemned To The Gallows | Artist: Between The Buried And Me | Album: Automata I

Track: Condemned To The Gallows | Artist: Between The Buried And Me | Album: Automata I


from Kotaku

Here Are Some Beautiful Space People

The Vaulters are coming (or coming back) to Endless Space 2, and in doing so they are looking very sharp.


from Kotaku

Blow Your Tax Refund On a Nintendo Switch With This (Slightly) Discounted Bundle

Even now, nearly a year after release, Nintendo Switch console discounts are basically nonexistent, so if you’ve been waiting for a deal to pick one up, this is about as good as it gets.


from Kotaku

The Last Player From NHL '94 Has Left The League

In 2013, we were down to three active NHL players who had appeared in NHL 94, a video game released in 1993. It’s taken almost five more years, but we’re now finally down to zero.


from Kotaku

When a game owned by Microsoft is available on a Nintendo console, things are sometimes going to get

When a game owned by Microsoft is available on a Nintendo console, things are sometimes going to get awkward.


from Kotaku

Alaska Man Arrested After Hitting Roommate With Zelda Sword

Ancohrage police were called to an apartment near the University of Alaska last Friday after a group of roomates got into a fight involving their fists, a knife and a replica Master Sword.


from Kotaku

The Root Baltimore Cops Kept Toy Guns to Plant Just in Case They Shot an Unarmed Person | Adequate

The Root Baltimore Cops Kept Toy Guns to Plant Just in Case They Shot an Unarmed Person | Adequate Man Which Industry Has The Worst Jargon? | Jezebel Mark Salling Has Died By Apparent Suicide | Earther Scott Pruitt’s First Senate Oversight Hearing Was a Total Sham | Splinter The Full Email From Columbia University…


from Kotaku

Players Have To Fight To Unlock Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's Story Mode 

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, out today for the PlayStation 4, is a game primarily built for competitive online play. It has a story mode, but each chapter has to be earned in battle.


from Kotaku

Guinness Officially Nixes Todd Rogers' Dragster Records

The Guinness Book of World Records has confirmed to Kotaku that it has removed Todd Rogers’ record Dragster high score from its database, as well as his record for the longest-standing video game high score, following Rogers’ disqualification from the Twin Galaxies scoreboards yesterday.


from Kotaku

The 10 Best Deals of January 30, 2018

We see a lot of deals around the web over on Kinja Deals, but these were our ten favorites today.


from Kotaku

Secure Your Reddit Account Using Two-Factor Authentication

Reddit has been slowly rolling out two-factor authentication for beta testers, moderators and third-party app developers for a while now before making it available to everyone over the past few days.


from Kotaku

Next Month's Hearthstone Nerfs Were Way Overdue

There comes a time when every Hearthstone metagame grows stale and players get tired of seeing the same competitive decks over and over. We hit that point with the latest expansion Kobolds and Catacombs a while ago, but now, with the announcement of a new set of balance changes, we may be in for a major metagame…


from Kotaku

People Are Putting Video Game Faces On Real Porn, The End Is Nigh

Fake porn has been around since time immemorial, but recent months have seen the practice take an unsettling leap forward thanks to AI-based video technology that allows people to easily map other people’s faces onto bodies that aren’t their own. Now video game characters’ faces are getting stitched onto IRL bodies as…


from Kotaku

BioWare's Anthem Officially Delayed To 2019

EA said today that BioWare’s Anthem will be out in early 2019, confirming our report last week that the upcoming multiplayer action game will not make it this year.


from Kotaku