Friday 28 May 2021

Destructoid is live on Twitch to finish The Evil Within

Tonight we wrap up The Evil Within 1 and 2 on Destructoid's Twitch channel starting at 9:00 p.m. ET.

I had played through most of the sequel before launching the first Evil Within cus I didn't really mind any spoilers and it was sitting in my Steam library, but the first game was so gripping that I fully paused my other playthrough to knock this one out.

We've been happily chipping away at The Evil Within for a few weeks now, and I'm super excited to see how it plays out before revisiting where we left off in the sequel. These games are my personal peak of survival horror (cool twists, RPG aspects, immersive story, and so many details); I'm thoroughly enjoying experiencing them to their fullest with you.

Hope to catch you there!

The Evil Within

Miss the last stream? Catch up with the archive for part one and part two of The Evil Within.

Come catch me live at Destructoid's Twitch channel every Friday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern! Let's chat it up about anything and everything while playing cool games! I hope to meet you there. :)

Destructoid is live on Twitch to finish The Evil Within screenshot

from Destructoid

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