Friday 30 April 2021

Destructoid community stream night is live on Twitch

Hey again! Tonight I'm continuing my playthrough of Resident Evil 2 on Destructoid's Twitch channel starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern. Friday nights just wouldn't feel the same without zombies anymore.

Last week, we finished up the blind playthrough of RE2, which I can now confidently say was my "first" RE game (I played Resident Evil 7 first, but RE7 is SO different from the usual!), and now it's time to see what Claire was up to the entire time.

Getting through the police station that I JUST beat with Leon is a little grindy because my sense of direction with first-person games isn't developed, so I get very lost, but that just gives us all the more time to chat between action scenes. I wish the things you unlocked as Leon would stay unlocked for Claire, but, c'est la brains. Looking forward to what's gonna happen once I'm out and learning how the heck Claire met a kid to tote along during the zombie apocalypse.

Hope to see you there, especially if you know what's what about this game so I can answer all my questions. Miss the last stream? Catch the on-demand archive right here.

Resident Evil 2 key art

A bit about me: As I was growing up, my older brother shaped my interests in games and fantasy culture. We were obsessed with dragons, fantasy books, world and creature building, you name it. Most of our time was spent hanging out and chattily imagining things. We dipped into Pokémon when I was six with trading cards, figurines, and books, but even our very first video games on our Dad's computer were split right down to the controls; he would do movements and I'd do action buttons. Over time we tried dozens of games, however RuneScape, D&D, and Pokémon always stuck with me the most.

It's been almost two years since I first started streaming. I tend to stream all sorts of games now, but my favorite genres came to be RPGs, puzzles, adventure, and strategy — bonus if it's fantasy-themed or an MMO that I can play with my friends and an instant favorite if the atmosphere is just right! Alongside trying new games together, my heart is in our bubbly banter while we all talk it up in chat. I'm so happy to have met people who have the same passion as I do for all these games and cool hobbies.

But how did I get here? A while back, Destructoid hosted its "So You Think You Can Stream?" contest. It was my first time entering any type of serious contest, but I still wanted to shoot my shot and really get out there. Although I didn't win, I was elated to hear that my audition stood out and there was an opportunity for me to come on board to stream alongside Dreezy on the Dtoid channel.

Come catch me live at Destructoid's Twitch channel every Friday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern! Let's chat it up about anything and everything while playing cool games! I hope to meet you there. :)

Destructoid community stream night is live on Twitch screenshot

from Destructoid

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