Saturday 30 May 2020

New Super Lucky's Tale coming to PS4 and Xbox One this summer, PQube to reveal new IP 'soon'

Publisher PQube has confirmed that the PS4 and Xbox One ports of cutesy platformer New Super Lucky's Tale will be launching this summer, following on from its previous release on Nintendo Switch.

Playful Studios' cheerful platforming romp is a revamped edition of the original Super Lucky's Tale, which ironically first launched on PS4 and Xbox back in 2017. The plucky adventure mixes up 2D and 3D platforming gameplay, as young fox siblings Lucky and Lyra sally forth on a quest to rescue the stolen Book of Ages from cat sorcerer Jinx.

New Super Lucky's Tale coming to PS4 and Xbox One this summer, PQube to reveal new IP 'soon' screenshot


from Destructoid

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