Monday 27 January 2020

Puppet Combo: One man's take on indie horror gaming

[I’ve been following Puppet Combo’s work for a few years now, and I love everything I've seen, but I still haven’t gotten around to actually playing any of their titles yet. Luckily, Xeo is here to remind me to tighten the hell up and finally get on that. – Kevin]

Why are there not more slasher games? This is a question I've thought about many times since I was a teenager, given that slashers are some of my favorite movies. Yeah, I get that if you involve kids and stuff it gets nasty, but you don't have to (and really shouldn't). However, what's wrong with having some adults get cut to ribbons if they make a mistake or get caught in a chase? I mean, we already have ultra-violent video games anyway.

Then it hit me. Rarely are YOU the one doing the killing of seemingly innocent people in video games. People seem to freak out a bit more with cases like ManhuntHatred, or anything like that. Manhunt is something I never saw as a problem because every person you kill in that game is a piece of shit and has it coming, honestly. Games like Hatred are definitely a bit more questionable. Still, if you played a serial killer in a game stalking innocent victims... would that be okay? I suppose it depends on who's playing or watching it.

Puppet Combo: One man's take on indie horror gaming screenshot


from Destructoid

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