Monday, 2 December 2019

Forza Horizon 4 is giving away free stuff every day in December

You know those Lexus December to Remember commercials where someone gets surprised with a luxury car, like it isn't insane to burden the family with a new car payment without consulting your significant other? Forza Horizon 4 is doing that, except it's 31 cars and they're all free and they're all in a video game.

Playground Games is whipping out the Advent calendar for the entirety of December. Load up Forza Horizon 4, pop into the Forzathon Shop, and claim your free car. Do that every day, get yourself a Jay Leno-sized garage.

It's currently autumn in Forza Horizon 4's rendition of England, but the seasonal affective disorder will feel a lot more accurate on Thursday when winter's ushered in. Maybe a daily dose of holiday cheer will help offset all the blustery British drear. 

Forza Horizon 4 is giving away free stuff every day in December screenshot


from Destructoid

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