Saturday 31 August 2019

Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?

What a week. I hope that it has been good to you and yours and, whatever you're doing this fine weekend, you make the most of your free time and spread the love to all those in need of it. There seems to be quite a few of us in need of it, but that's why we all got each other, am I right?

I haven't played too much these last few days, it's been pretty busy on the good ship Destructoid. But in an effort to keep the old gaming cogs oiled and the intensity low-key, I jumped back into the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, pushing on with the ol' the completion percentages in Way of the Dragon.

I dig the third Spyro entry's style, music and environments. It also has a neat cast of side characters, such as Sgt Byrd, Sheila, and Bianca. But WOTD is just a little too heavy on frame-perfect jumps and, given Reignited's less-than-instantaneous load times, this can lead to a lot of heavy sighing when negotiating/failing numerous glide-or-die scenarios. When all is said and done, I think I had the most fun with the original Spyro the Dragon.

After a dry few weeks, new games are trickling the shelves once again. This week's examples include spooky horrorfest Man of Medan, brain-bending actioner Control, and sci-fi slasher Astral Chain. There's certainly lots to look forward to over the coming months, but for now, drop us a line below and let us know what's currently spinning your HDDs.

Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.

Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid? screenshot

from Destructoid

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