Friday 31 May 2019

Samurai Shodown's Yoshitora readies his sword collection

SNK continues its weekly character trailer series, putting the spotlight on each of the warriors gearing for battle in the upcoming fighter Samurai Shodown. This week, it is the turn of Samurai Shodown V protagonist Yoshitora Tokugawa.

Created to be a successor of sorts to long-time hero Haohmaru, Yoshitora is yet another runaway samurai who was trained to be a shogun leader, but instead fled the clan to live it up with gals and booze. Armed with seven swords (each named after a woman in his life, save for one named after himself) Yoshitora is never too far from a blade, even if he has a rough time going through metal detectors.

Samurai Shodown's Yoshitora readies his sword collection screenshot


from Destructoid

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