Saturday 31 March 2018

Sorella Brella arrives in Splatoon 2 in time for European Championship finals

Nintendo are dropping new content in their popular arena-shooter Splatoon 2 this week. Yesterday we reported on the return of classic map Piranha Pit, while today brings the pain rain with news of the new Sorella Brella weapon.

The Sorella Brella is a variant on the classic Splat Brella. Opened, it provides basic protection for the carrier, while constantly dribbling a colourful path. When closed, the Brella allows for messy, unfocused blasts of ink, which can travel quite a distance when combined with a jump.

This new Sorella variant comes equipped with an Autobomb sub and a Splat Bomb Launcher special. It will arrive alongside the Piranha Pit map tonight in North America, with Japan and Europe to follow early tomorrow.

This weekend also sees the finals of the Splatoon 2 European Championships, which take place March 31 in Switzerland. Polymanga will also be hosting a special Off the Hook concert at the Montreux Music and Convetion Centre for those in attendance. How wonderful!

Sorella Brella arrives in Splatoon 2 in time for European Championship finals screenshot


from destructoid

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