Saturday 30 December 2017

My Top Ten Games of 2017 (And Some Random Awards)

It's that time again! Somehow 2017 is almost over, and even though I was looking for it all 365 days seem to have snuck past without me noticing them. Cheeky little bastards! For this site it has been another great year thanks to you guys. The daily views have gone up further, I've been fairly happy with the quality of my writing and more and more opportunities have arisen, which again is all thanks to you, dear readers! Without you guys popping on to read the words that my untalented brain and hand come up with I'd never get to check out so many games or test out loads of cool accessories. You are amazing, and I'm so, so grateful that you keep coming back. I love you all. But let's get on with this list, shall we? As always there are going to be titles that I've missed, partly because I'm a PC/Xbox One gamer, and largely because there are a lot of games and not enough time to play them all! And please keep in mind that while I do try to buy games that I don't get sent to review, I've barely got enough money to look after myself and feed my own Pepsi addiction. What this means is that lots of games flew by me, either because I couldn't afford them, didn't have time or just didn't have the right console. Sorry, Breath of the Wild. And sorry, Hellblade.

from Wolf's Gaming Blog

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