from Engadget
Monday, 30 November 2020
Nintendo makes it easier to transfer Switch screenshots to phones and PCs
from Engadget
Bad Bunny is Spotify's most-streamed artist of 2020
from Engadget
Sex Game Uses Far-Right YouTuber For Promo, Claims To Be "Unaware" Of His "Polarizing Background"

The developers of Subverse, one of the most anticipated adult games of all time, thought it would be a great idea to publicise their game via a video with Arch, formerly known as Arch Warhammer, a man who we last saw calling Creative Assembly “cuck beta leftists”.
from Kotaku
Sega will test fans' knowledge as part of its 60th anniversary
from Engadget
New Nintendo Switch Firmware Actually Adds Useful Features

We can all appreciate general system stability improvements that enhance the user’s experience, but tonight’s Nintendo Switch firmware update actually adds some features to the console, like new ways to manage your screenshots.
from Kotaku
The Wonderful 101: Remastered Demo Arrives on PS4, Introduces Wonder-Bayonetta
The Wonderful 101: Remastered‘s new PlayStation 4 Wonder-Size Cadet demo is your chance to try before you buy. PlatinumGames is letting players sample the prologue and all three parts of Operation 001, totaling about two hours of gameplay.
Based on the titular witch from the Bayonetta franchise, hidden character Wonder-Bayonetta is also unlocked as “a gesture of appreciation for our fans”. The character is usually quite difficult to unlock in the full version of the game. The Bottlecap Collection must be completed before players can recruit her to their team. This means all 101 in-game achievements have to be unlocked, but this is skipped in the demo seeing as players can’t access most of them.
To help struggling players, there is bonus in-game currency and support items at their disposal too. The latest game trailer shows exactly what to expect from the demo.
If players enjoy the demo and choose to purchase the full game, their save file will be transferred over so they can pick up from where they left off. This will come with the added benefits of the version 1.03 update, which adds the new “Wonderful Code” feature. Amongst other things, this makes Wonder-Bayonetta far easier to unlock. Entering the Vol. 1 code “UMBRANGIFT” unlocks the character and all of the demo’s support items in the full version of the game.
This isn’t the only code PlatinumGames has released. A second Vol. 2 code, “ANGELSLAYERS”, will automatically unlock the Wonder-Jeanne and Wonder-Rodin team members too. The developer has said to keep your eyes open for those more codes to be released in the future. At least another five codes covering Vol. 3 to Vol. 7 are listed as coming soon, so make sure to stay tuned to their social media channels.
The Wonderful 101: Remastered Wonder-Size Cadet Demo is available for download right now on PlayStation 4.
The post The Wonderful 101: Remastered Demo Arrives on PS4, Introduces Wonder-Bayonetta appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.
from PlayStation LifeStyle
Immortals Fenyx Rising Review – Breath of the Gods (PS5)
The comparisons to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are absolutely unavoidable with Immortals Fenyx Rising. It’s an enormous and gorgeous sandbox that lets you basically go anywhere and do anything. Its puzzles are reminiscent of the beloved Nintendo title. Its visuals seem to be inspired by a mix of Breath of the Wild and Disney Animation. There are even cheeky references in the game itself poking fun at BotW’s breakable weapons, so Immortals is clearly self-aware of its influences.
Immortal’s egregious and blatant borrowing of Breath of the Wild’s general blueprint is actually an immense strength. The elements just work together in harmony, fitting in with the themes of Greek mythology and the sense of freedom the developers wanted to convey. And it helps break Ubisoft free of this rigid ideal of what an open-world Ubisoft game is, a rut that the publisher fell into a few years ago and has struggled to break free from.
Immortals Fenyx Rising Review – It’s All Greek to Me
Immortals focuses on Greek mythology so deeply, that even those with decent knowledge of the hierarchy and legends of the gods (and monsters) will undoubtedly find new stories and elements scattered throughout the world. Fenyx is a mortal, the player character (with limited customization options) that is the sole hero who can save both the kingdom of the gods and the world of the mortals. Without her (or him), existence as we know it is doomed.
The whole game is a tale told by Prometheus to Zeus, narration that fits so wonderfully into every moment of the game that I couldn’t wait to hear more of their banter. Ubisoft has fumbled with narrative in the past when the element of linearity is removed (Far Cry 5 immediately springs to mind), but this storytelling and narration through Zeus and Prometheus is seamlessly slotted into everything you do, telling not only the story of Fenyx, but digging into some of the deeper darker corners of Greek mythology. It’s a brilliant setup as this mortal is suddenly thrust into this world once thought to be only legend.
Its adherence to Greek myths and legends is also helped along by traditional Greek spellings and pronunciations of people and places—Herakles instead of Hercules, Ikaros in place of Icarus, Olympos vs. Olympus, etc—and the narration even calls attention to this element of authenticity. At one point Zeus criticizes Prometheus for his pronunciation of “Herakles,” to which Prometheus points out that’s how it’s actually said.
Moments like this are what underlines the natural banter that makes up the comedy throughout Immortals. Rarely does it feel forced, instead being delivered natually with silly witty remarks within conversation. Immortals has no problem not taking itself too seriously—after all, the gods of Olympos don’t—but it doesn’t ever feel like it’s trying to be funny. Characters simply are who they are, and the interactions that play out between them are often humorous and lighthearted, despite the dark and twisted nature of much of Greek mythology.
Immortal Fenyx Rising Review – It’s Got Layers
Immortals begins with Fenyx washed up on the shore of a mysterious island, all other mortals turned to stone, and not a whole lot of direction on what you need to do. A brief tutorial segment grants Fenyx with some tools of the gods that improve their capabilities in combat and ability to traverse the environment. It also introduces you to this mythological land, the island of Deidalos, and provides you with some points of interest and a general goal. And then it sets you loose.
That immense sense of freedom is both intimidating and exhilarating. Immortals never really stops you from wandering into places you perhaps shouldn’t be, and if you can figure out how to overcome the challenges within, more power to you. I entered one Vault of Tartaros (similar to Breath of the Wild’s dungeons or temples), and despite a warning that I didn’t possess the right Godly Power to get the alternate chest, I managed to get everything in the Vault through clever use of the environment and the powers I did have at my disposal. I’m honestly not even sure which Godly Power it was that I would have needed. The puzzles are just so naturally integrated that if you solve it through “other” means, it never really feels like you did it “wrong.” You just did it.
Immortals doesn’t stick to a rigid structure, and in some ways almost encourages you to “break” the game and complete puzzles and encounters in ways that perhaps weren’t so directly intended. In one puzzle, I needed one more block to weigh down a pressure plate, but couldn’t for the life of me find it (I found out where it was later). Fed up, I instead wandered off, chopped down a tree, grabbed the log, and hauled it back to the puzzle area to weigh down the plate and finish the puzzle. Later on, I even unlocked the ability to create a stone copy of myself, something that can be used as a decoy in combat or as a weight for these plates.
The more I played through Immortals, the more I discovered, and the more I was able to do. One “aha” moment in one puzzle revealed a potential solution to another I had been struggling with elsewhere. Stumbling on certain quests unlocked specific abilities that changed multiple elements about the way I played. Maybe I get faster arrow regeneration that incentivizes using the bow more in combat. Perhaps I unlock aerial abilities that not only help me get around easier, but also take fights to the skies. Throughout Immortals, the game consistently evolved the way I engaged with it, which helped keep exploration and discovery fresh.
And yet, for all of its discoverability, there’s an ample level of guidance in Immortals as well. I personally bounced off of Breath of the Wild because it was too freeform at times, too ambiguous. Immortals, in a small bit of contrast, offers at least a framework for those who get intimidated by large open-world games. There’s a guiding system that will get you around the island and at least offer suggestions for what to approach next. And if you happen to get waylaid by a pillar of light in the distance highlighting a chest locked by a puzzle? Well, more power to ya. It ensures that no two people’s playthroughs will ever really be the same as you traipse around the island gaining the favor of the gods.
If there’s one (albeit minor) frustration I have, it’s that mobility feels just a tiny bit slow and cumbersome, even after acquiring other abilities that aid in traversal. Climbing walls is painfully slow, and even after gaining the ability to jump up the walls while climbing, the animation that plays still makes it feel burdened, to the extent that I avoid climbing if I can. The default run speed could also stand to be increased by even just a small amount. It’s a small nitpick, but with such a massive open world, I constantly wished that I could move through it just a little bit faster.
The PS5 version of Immortals takes advantage of the console’s unique features with the DualSense providing both haptic feedback and adaptive trigger functionality. It’s not as strong as something like Astro’s Playroom, but it’s one of the better third-party implementations of the new controller. It also has both a performance mode and fidelity mode, which I struggled between. A buttery smooth 60 fps is incredible, but the game world really just pops with the fidelity mode, with what appears to be improved lighting and texture details. Games like this show that this generation is going to ask some tough decisions if these are the kinds of differences we’re getting in these modes.
Overall, Immortals Fenyx Rising is a surprising break from the traditional Ubisoft open-world fare, perhaps hinting at some newfound creative freedoms that we’ll hopefully see play out in the future. Cribbing Breath of the Wild is a strength even as Immortals iterates and takes its own twist. And the deep dive into Greek mythology ends up being a fascinating foundation upon whose shoulders the entire premise rests. From the first magnificent glide onto the Golden Isle, Immortals Fenyx Rising is an unforgettable treat that surprised me more than I thought it would.
Immortals Fenyx Rising review code provided by publisher. Reviewed on PS5. For more information, please read our Review Policy.
The post Immortals Fenyx Rising Review – Breath of the Gods (PS5) appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.
from PlayStation LifeStyle
Sonic the Hedgehog Lifetime Sales Hit One Billion Copies
Sonic the Hedgehog is arguably SEGA’s most renowned franchise, something that’s reflected quite clearly in its lifetime sales. In their annual investors report, SEGA has revealed the blue hedgehog and his companions have racked up 1.14 billion copies sold.
Sonic’s journey began in 1991 on the SEGA Genesis. He’s since made appearances on many platforms, although his last PlayStation outing was Team Sonic Racing last year. Between digital sales and free-to-play downloads, the hedgehog shifted over 200 million units in 2020, pushing it over the 1 billion mark this year. The infamous live-action CGI movie likely raised Sonic’s profile amongst the younger generation of gamers.
Some of SEGA’s other notable names have also had an encouraging year. The release of Yakuza: Like a Dragon has helped push the franchise over 14 million lifetime sales; those titles sold 2 million units since 2019. The Persona series increased to 13.1 million lifetime sales as Persona 5 Royale hit PlayStation 4; this is 2.9 million more units than last year. Meanwhile, PuyoPuyo looked towards other platforms for sales in 2020. It managed to increase its lifetime figures by 3 million, reaching a total of 32 million units.
Other franchises that got a mention included the New Sakura Wars franchise. This increased slightly to reach 4.1 million units thanks to the first new game in the franchise for 14 years. There was also the Megami Tensei series, which remained at 17.4 million lifetime sales over the past year despite the release of Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster in October.
SEGA will plan to continue riding this wave of success into 2021. The upcoming Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 will help things along, as will the official Olympics game. Only time will tell what they have planned for Sonic, although I’ll be surprised if they don’t have anything in the works to mark his 30th anniversary. Whether this is a new game or the upcoming movie sequel remains to be seen.
[Source: SEGASammy Via Reddit]
The post Sonic the Hedgehog Lifetime Sales Hit One Billion Copies appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.
from PlayStation LifeStyle
The Xbox Series X Can Run...PS2 Games?

What a world we live in, when Microsoft’s next-gen console has better PlayStation backwards compatibility than the PlayStation 5.
from Kotaku
Yakuza: Like A Dragon Patch Adds Major Feature I Didn't Even Know Was Missing

Unbeknownst to me, Yakuza: Like a Dragon somehow left Japan bereft of one key feature: in-battle weakness indicators. But today, almost three weeks after its Western launch, a patch has added this game-changing mechanic to the wacky gangster RPG.
from Kotaku
Finally, an excuse to write about John Mulaney on a video game site
Look, so the good news is that John Mulaney is in a video game. The bad news is that it's Marvel Contest of Champions: a multi-currency free-to-play mobile game.
Look I'm just the messenger, don't sue me! Unless, as that messenger, I improperly serve you legal papers...then it's fair game!
Yes, the beloved writer, comedian and brief sitcom star (I'm SO sorry) is reprising his role from the universally liked Into the Spider-Verse film as Spider-Ham. There's even a quick clip below to get people hyped up about his appearance as Peter Porker.
The bad news (there's MORE bad news?!) is that he's only part of an Event Quest, called Framed by Fame. Pretty great title though! The update is out today and will run through December 31, which will grant players a "two-star Spider-Ham" if they participate. Gacha-like mechanics: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Oh, and you also get to fight against a team of super heroes and villains "hand-picked" by Mulaney. If that's real — and not a series of hasty choices by a highly-paid intern, I'm sure —I'm not gonna lie, I kind of want to experience that.
You totally read this entire post in Mulaney's signature voice, didn't you? That's no accident.
from Destructoid
Contest: Win Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? for consoles and PC
In today's contest, you can win Who Wants to be a Millionaire? for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, or Steam!
It's that time of year where sales are going on for everything you want. Also for everything everyone else wants. Essentially, people want things and you've only got a limited amount of money. Wouldn't it be nice to be rich?
Well, you can be, with a brand new copy of Who Wants to be a Millionaire?! I mean, not really, but you can pretend in video game form!
from Destructoid
The Onion Store Is Having a 15% off Sale and These Deals Better Make Me Laugh

15% off The Onion Store Merch | The Onion Store | Promo Code CYBERWEEK
from Kotaku
Empire Of Sin Is Not Great

Ahhh, I really wanted to like this game. But as hard as it tries, and as much fun as it has with the source material, Empire of Sin is a mess of ideas that just isn’t much fun to be around.
from Kotaku
Bungie Writer Makes Destiny 2's Queer Romance Official

One of Destiny 2’s writers took to Twitter over the weekend to dispel some players’ confusion and confirm that two of the game’s biggest characters are, in fact, gay and in love.
from Kotaku
Wasting My Time In WoW And Destiny 2 Is Good Actually

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, I’m level 59 and 7/8ths, have completed three of the five new zones, and I still don’t think I’m enjoying myself. In Destiny 2, I’m stumbling around Europa while I clumsily figure out (sometimes embarrassingly late) what the hell all my warlock powers do. Other than a few, fleeting…
from Kotaku
*Cracks Can* *Turns on Gaming Console* *Takes a Sip* Let’s Get to Work on the Best Cyber Monday 2020 Gaming Deals

Cyber Monday can be exhausting for anyone looking for video game deals. It’s exciting to see tons of titles discounted, but there’s an overwhelming sense of dread that comes with the territory too. What do you buy when virtually every big game of the last few years is on sale? This year, it’s all about padding out…
from Kotaku
I'm stoked to close out 2020 with some PixelJunk Eden 2 co-op
I've quietly been stoked to play PixelJunk Eden 2, the sequel to Q-Games' underappreciated atmospheric platformer about zipping through abstract gardenscapes while chill Baiyon tunes work their magic.
After missing its initial summer 2020 window, it seems that PixelJunk Eden 2 is on track for a December 10 launch on the Nintendo Switch eShop. The new release date showed up on a Nintendo UK store page, and while the equivalent listing for North America still says fall 2020, I'm choosing to believe.
Gameplay-wise, I'd expect a similar experience – you'll explore "gardens of psychedelic sights and sounds" to collect pollen, expand the flora to reach new heights, and generally melt into your chair.
As the studio puts it, you'll be able to "swing and spin from silk threads, in both single and cooperative play as you and a partner pirouette around one another in brush-strokes of light and color in the world on your journey to collect the all-important 'Spectra,' the source of all life in the world." It's a trip.
"More PixelJunk Eden" would've been fine by me, but co-op? That's the secret word.
[Via Gematsu]
from Destructoid
The peculiar RPG Omori is actually coming out in 2020
Six years after showing up on Kickstarter, the psychological horror RPG Omori has a release date that seems like it'll stick: December 25, 2020. It's going to make the end-of-year cutoff on Steam.
The production has stretched far enough that I forgot I covered this before on Destructoid. It's one of those games. No matter, though – the 2020 trailer is a nice reminder of how far Omori has come.
Even if I'm not entirely sold on the world-exploration gameplay, I like the color palette, and I'm sure it'll get the job done with Omocat's storytelling. The more elaborate battle-screen artwork looks fantastic.
According to the Steam listing, "themes of death and depression" await us. The trailer alone packs some emotional weight, so I'm generally hopeful. Console ports, including Nintendo Switch, are in the works.
@Omori_Game [Twitter]
from Destructoid
Apple's MacBook Air M1 drops to $899 for Cyber Monday
from Engadget
Scottish homes will use 100-percent green hydrogen in world first
from Engadget
HP's latest privacy tool for laptops is meant to thwart prying eyes
from Engadget
Here's Where You Can Grab a New Fortnite-Themed Nintendo Switch Bundle
Bully Doesn't Sound Like Your Typical Rockstar Game

Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make. Today I’m here to educate you all about the wonderful music in Bully.
from Kotaku
Super Nintendo World looks incredible, and I can't wait to go...eventually
So uh, does anyone else love theme parks? Because this guy loves theme parks.
Among the many other things I've missed this year, riding rides with family is one of the things I've lamented the most, but we're all sort of hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel...eventually. Nintendo is banking on February 4, 2021.
That's the date of the grand opening of Super Nintendo World: which was originally supposed to debut during the Olympics in August of 2020. For obvious reasons it was pushed back to August 2021, but the theme park will open separately a bit earlier. In one word, it looks incredible.
Although we've had plenty of "over the fence" peeks at its construction, Universal Studios of Japan just put out an official video (below) that showcases it in all its splendor. While the outdoor zone is impressive on its own, the indoor areas are really where this park shines, like the giant red staircase leading to at Bowser statue for the "Koopa's Challenge" Mario Kart ride queue. As a reminder, the other ride is Yoshi-themed.
Eventually, Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Florida (under the "Epic Universe" umbrella) will get their US versions, expected to launch in mid-2021 and 2024 respectively: minus any delays.
from Destructoid
Someone uncovered a secret Crash 4 logo tease that only appears when you reach 106% completion
So Crash 4: It's About Time is fairly manageable if you're a platforming hound, but if you want to get the full 106% completion rate: good luck!
The extra content and time trial/limited life requirements are among the hardest activities I've played in 2020, and it looks like all those efforts do pay off; to some small degree. Sharing their discovery on Twitter, Kevin Fagaragan managed to uncover a secret logo that appears on the first level's television set.
The kicker is that the logo only appears when you've reached the aforementioned percentage. Like all secrets that pop up out of nowhere the solution was crowdsourced, and it seems like it doesn't work for a mere 100% completion rate: only 106%. It explains why it hasn't been as widely known this far out from launch. It's also a "blink and you'll miss it" moment, as it only appears on the screen for a split-second after you cycle through all of the main entry logos.
So what is it? Well, a tease of a new game, some DLC, or a Super Smash Bros. appearance would all work for me. I'm just happy to see Crash back and actually relevant again with a good game.
from Destructoid
Here are the best Amazon devices worth buying on Cyber Monday
from Engadget
The Morning After: Microsoft tries to kill the pointless work meeting
from Engadget
The best Cyber Monday tech deals that are worth your money
from Engadget
Sega Shows Old Handheld Prototype For The First Time Publicly

In 1995, Sega released the Genesis Nomad in North America. The 16-bit portable was a handheld console with an LCD screen and able to play Genesis cartridges. In a recent YouTube clip, Sega’s Hiroyuki Miyazaki showed off the hardware’s prototype for the first time.
from Kotaku
Thirty-Four Years Later, Ys 1 and II Are Getting PC Floppy Disk Ports

Japanese game developer Nihon Falcom has announced that decades after their original releases both Ys1 and Ys II are getting ported to the X68000, a Japan-only PC from Sharp that first went on sale in 1987.
from Kotaku
UK bans installation of Huawei 5G equipment starting September 2021
from Engadget
Borderlands 3: How To Defeat Billy, The Anointed?
Billy, The Anointed is one of the bosses you will encounter while playing Borderlands 3. The battle against the boss will happen towards the last moments of the mission Lair of the Harpy. He is one of the hardest to defeat goliaths you’ll fight in the game. The fight takes place inside the manor theatre […]
The post Borderlands 3: How To Defeat Billy, The Anointed? appeared first on Daily Game.
from Borderlands 3: How To Defeat Billy, The Anointed? - Daily Game
Super Nintendo Land will open in Japan on February 4th, 2021
from Engadget
Google's Pixel 4 XL is $549 for Cyber Monday
from Engadget
Samsung's Galaxy S20+ hits an all-time low of $899 for Cyber Monday
from Engadget
Sonos One drops to $150 for Cyber Monday
from Engadget
Sunday, 29 November 2020
First Look Inside Super Nintendo World, Which Opens In Japan Next February

Here it is. What we’ve all been waiting for. This is the first look inside the eagerly anticipated Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Osaka.
from Kotaku
Indian Football And The Spanish Connection
Ever since the Indian Super League started in India, the beautiful game of football has grown exponentially in the country. Whether it is the massive fan following brought about by the franchises or the training camps set up to train and nurture youth football players, the sport has taken a new turn in the country […]
The post Indian Football And The Spanish Connection appeared first on Daily Game.
from Indian Football And The Spanish Connection - Daily Game
Toyota's second-generation Mirai has a 400-mile range
from Engadget
Untitled Goose Game's Map Is Just Beautiful

I’m not talking about the actual game world—though it also is lovely!—but in this case, a special hand-drawn map that was commissioned, included in the game’s physical edition and now available for sale on its own as a big fancy print.
from Kotaku
Two Of The Worst Zelda Games Have Been Recreated On The PC

Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon were the first two of three Zelda games Nintendo published on the ill-fated Philips CD-i system in the early 90s. They are very bad—so bad Nintendo doesn’t recognise them as series canon—but they’ve still got a certain charm to them, and so this fan effort to rebuild them from the…
from Kotaku
Hacker sells access to hundreds of corporate executives' email accounts
from Engadget
India's new ride hailing rules cap driver hours and limit surge pricing
from Engadget
The Week In Games: Empire Of Fenyx

It’s often a letdown when a holiday ends, but at least this week has some games to be excited about. Ubisoft’s Zelda-like Immortals Fenyx Rising comes out, along with Romero Games’ Empire of Sin and Dontnod’s Twin Mirror.
from Kotaku
Volkswagen may release a small EV for as little as $24,000
from Engadget
Modified 'stealth' virus could fight advanced cancers
from Engadget
Microsoft envisions 'scoring' meetings based on body language
from Engadget
Who needs Black Ops Cold War when Konami's Green Beret has returned?
If you haven't gotten enough Cold War action from Activision's Call of Duty: Black Ops entry, then retro publisher Hamster are offering a more old-school peek behind The Iron Curtain this week, thanks to its latest Arcade Archives release.
Originally released in arcades in 1985 - before being ported to a plethora of home computers and consoles - Konami's Green Beret, (also known as Rush'n Attack), sees a lone special forces agent infiltrate a Russian military base on a mission to rescue a party of P.O.W.s from behind enemy lines. This notoriously tough arcade sees our hero charge into battle against an entire battalion of soldiers armed with only a small knife, literally stabbing his way endlessly through an onslaught of military personnel.
Check out the action below, in this video from YouTuber Retrogaming Longplays.
from Destructoid
These $100 bluetooth earbuds are $43 for Cyber Monday
from Engadget