Thursday 31 May 2018

Watch 15 Minutes of Fate/Extella Link Multiplayer Gameplay in This New Trailer

Dengeki has published a lengthy Fate/Extella Link trailer that thoroughly shows the game’s 8-player online multiplayer mode, which is exclusively available on the PlayStation 4 version. In this 15-minute long trailer, the first 4 minutes are used to explain the multiplayer team battle system, and the rest shows two rounds of Dengeki’s staff team trying to duke it out against Marvelous’ staff team in the online team battle mode.

The multiplayer team battle mode in Fate/Extella Link will put players in two groups of four. The main objective of this mode is to gain more points for your team by occupying a designated area that rotates as time passes on while defeating enemy players and making sure they do not obstruct the area.

There is an exclusive feature in this online mode, which is the Class Tower system. These towers will appear somewhere on the map, and they have a class that will only allow Servants with the corresponding class to attack and occupy them. For example, a Saber Class Tower can only be conquered by Saber-class Servants like Artoria Pendragon, Nero Claudius, or Charlemagne. A conquered Class Tower will give buffs to the owning team, but anyone in the opposing team will then be able to destroy it afterward.

Fate/Extella Link will be released for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita first in Japan on June 7, which is a week after this article. Don’t forget to check out the Japanese launch live stream which will be held the day before. Meanwhile, the English localization will be released later in the West this Winter.

[Source: Dengeki]

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Xiaomi's transparent Mi 8 also does 3D face unlock

Xiaomi may have already released the Mi Mix 2S earlier this year, but it's actually kept its true 2018 flagship, the Mi 8, for marking its eight anniversary -- hence the jump from last year's "Mi 6." As announced in Shenzhen today, the new handset st...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Dynasty Warriors 9 Gets Updated Again to Version 1.10

Dynasty Warriors 9 update patch 1.10 - Xiahou Ba

Koei Tecmo Games has released a new title update patch for Dynasty Warriors 9 which brings the game up to version 1.10. You can read the official patch notes right below:

  • Added the setting Dynamic Camera Settings to “Options”.
  • Added a setting to “Options” that allows you to select whether sheathing and drawing your weapon is automatic or manual.
  • Improved the movement of soldiers and officers during battle.
  • Improved the movement of archers.
  • Corrected an error in the Encyclopedia: Officers entry for “Sui Gu”.
  • Corrected an issue in which siege towers would not move during the Wu Chapter 10 Mission “Ambush at Yiling”.
  • Corrected an issue in which, after meeting the victory conditions for the Jin Chapter 13 Mission “Assault on Chengdu”, other missions could incorrectly be accepted.
  • Corrected an issue in which the Shu Chapter 12 Mission “Battle of Mt. Tielong” could not be completed if Xiahou Ba had been slain.
  • Corrected a number of other minor issues.

Koei Tecmo has been actively upgrading Dynasty Warriors 9 with title update patches ever since it has been released worldwide in February. The previous update to version 1.09 was done on the same day they released the Additional Weapons Pack DLC which added weapons familiar to certain characters: Claws for Zhang He, Fencing Sword & Hook for Xu Shu, and Emei Piercers for Wang Yi.

However, we believe this won’t be the end of it. Koei Tecmo is still planning to release one more DLC pack that’s included in the Dynasty Warriors 9 season pass in the coming months. With that DLC, the four new unique NPCs that currently appear in this game—Yuan Shu, Hua Xiong, Dong Bai, and Xiahouji—will be made into playable characters.

[Source: Koei Tecmo]

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Watch Virgin Galactic Unity's second rocket-powered flight

Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity recently flew its second rocket-powered flight merely a couple of months after its first. That's definitely a victory for the company, considering it designed Unity to be flown at a higher frequency than other spacecraft....

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Report: H1Z1 PS4 Pro Users Have an Advantage Over Standard PS4 Players

An in-depth study of battle royale originator H1Z1 by Digital Foundry’s Richard Leadbetter has come to the conclusion that the H1Z1 PS4 Pro edition of Daybreak Games’ latter-day breakout hit actually offers players more of an advantage on the souped-up console compared to its vanilla PS4 counterpart.

Writing for Eurogamer, Leadbetter lays out the fact that H1Z1 on PS4 Pro runs at a solid 50-60 FPS compared to the standard PS4 struggling to keep up with a frame rate of 40-50 frames per second. This gives PS4 Pro players a pretty significant advantage when boots are on the ground and the living undead are shambling your way.

Despite this, H1Z1 on PS4 Pro doesn’t stand out on its own in terms of overall gameplay. Frame rate and pixel count, according to Leadbetter (who, let’s face it, knows his onions when it comes to this sort of thing), are the only major differences compared to the game running on a base PS4 console. Still, it’s a pretty major difference.

As of writing, PS4 Pro owners will have a distinct advantage over other PS4 players thanks to the frame rate running at a far more steady and consistent pace compared to its less-powerful brethren. Whether that can be ironed out in the coming weeks of the open beta is up in the air, but it feels like it’s something that needs to be sorted sooner rather than later. We can’t be having a battle royale filled with have and have-nots now, can we?

[Source: Eurogamer and Digital Foundry]

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Rage 2 Developers Bought By Nordic PlayStation Distributors

rage 2 developers

Rage 2 developers Avalanche Studios are under new ownership. Longtime PlayStation partners and Nordic distributors in the region, Nordisk Film, has announced a $100 million-plus deal to acquire one of the best up-and-coming studios around.

While the deal, referred to as the “single largest acquisition in Nordisk Film’s 111-year history” won’t affect the development of Rage 2 moving forward, it’s an interesting move for a company so closely aligned with the PlayStation brand.

Avalanche Studios, which can also count Mad Max and the Just Cause franchise among their stable, previously saw Nordisk Film take a minority ownership position in the company as of April 2017, but the remaining buyout was seen as the first step “part of [Nordisk Film’s] strategy of investing heavily in successful Nordic game studios.”

Whether Avalanche Studios works more closely with PlayStation to develop titles in future remains to be seen. For now, though, they remain a “creatively independent game studio” while working side-by-side with Bethesda on Rage 2 which, coincidentally, is using the Just Cause engine.

That, too, is backed up Avalanche Studios CEO Pim Holfve, who states: “Even though we’ll continue to operate as an independent studio, Nordisk Film will – with a century of experience from growing creative businesses – provide us with a more solid foundation. I could not be happier to have them on-board.”

Even so, this could be big news for the Nordic games scene, and the industry as a whole. Big money is now backing Avalanche Studios, and it’s more than a little bit exciting to see where they’re heading next post-Rage 2Just Cause 4 with an even bigger budget? Yes, please.

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Preorder Mega Man 11, Get a Sweet Mega Man 30th Anniversary Dynamic Theme for PlayStation 4

Udon released a lovely Mega Man Legacy theme to commemorate the release of Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 as a free gift for anyone who preordered the collection. There’s another Mega Man PS4 theme on the horizon, which will also be a free gift for anyone who preorders Mega Man 11.

Truant Pixel has created a very retro-styled dynamic Mega Man theme, one that will certainly take any player back to the early 80s and usher in a slight longing for a CRT TV and an NES. I said slight. It’s also fleeting, so no need to call your doctor unless this side effect lasts for longer than 6 hours.

Don’t believe me? Check out the trailer above to see the whole thing in action.

The only catch is, like Udon’s theme, this theme is only a free gift if you preorder Mega Man 11 directly from the PlayStation Store.

I have no plans on buying Mega Man 11, but I still kind of want that theme. It brings back so many memories of watching my friend play the original while holding down the left button on the second controller so he wouldn’t die when he fell. Good times.

Mega Man 11 will release on October 2, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour Encore Announced

Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour

The first official Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour was in 2017, celebrating the series’ 15th anniversary. Square Enix is proud to announce that the second wave of the World Tour, an encore, if you will, will start this June in Los Angeles. It happens to be the Saturday before E3 at that.

Coincidence? I think not.

They wanted to kick off this World Tour encore before Kingdom Hearts III graces the scene, thereby requiring a renewed tour for 2019. If your city missed the Tour the first time, you may be in luck. Cities include Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Honolulu in the US alone. It will go to international venues as well, including Sydney, Toronto, Sao Paolo, Munich, Milan, Seoul, and Mexico City. If you’re in or nearby one of these cities, visit the official Tour Schedule for concert dates.

Game Director Tetsuya Nomura produced this World Tour himself, and composer Yoko Shimomura supervised the entire music program. You won’t find a more genuine Kingdom Hearts orchestral experience than this.

The first show will take place on June 9th at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles.

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Ubisoft Teases For Honor’s Future in Latest Video

for honor e3 2018

In preparation of E3 2018, Ubisoft released a brand new video today detailing the past, present, and future of For Honor. Showcasing the latest major updates to the game through Hero balancing, the release of dedicated servers and a new training mode, Ubisoft really goes through the entire spectrum of For Honor updates. Toward the end, players also get a sneak peek of some surprises that will be coming during Ubisoft’s E3 briefing.

It’s a nice little trip down memory lane for a game that, despite initial lukewarm reception, has continued to update itself and provide new content for its community. With Ubisoft already promising to show more for the game off at E3, For Honor fans should rest easy knowing that they’ll continue to have new things to experience.

Speaking of new things, For Honor did recently include a Training Mode in one of their recent updates, and it allows players to get acclimated to the game before they head out for battle. For more on that, check out below:

The Apprentice Trials and the Warriors Trials will be the perfect places for newcomers to get acquainted with the controls, learn basic and more advanced techniques before entering the battlefield. A grading system will give players the opportunity to replay and measure their progression. The Training Arena will give advanced players the opportunity to further perfect their mastery of the Art of Battle and customize their training experience by practicing against specific Heroes or move sets. The update will also introduce the Training Media, an in-game library for tutorials. Here players will find videos on game modes, the faction war, and quick info on in-game features.

For Honor is available now.

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New Steel Rats Trailer Introduces the Biker Gang Tasked With Saving the World

steel rats trailer

Earlier today, Tate Multimedia revealed even more on the upcoming combat racer Steel Rats, including a new trailer that reveals members of the biker gang for the first time. In the trailer, not only do we get a good look at the actual story behind the game, but we also get some glimpses of the heroes players will take over as they look to rid the world of an alien invasion.

You can check out the trailer for the game below:

As you can tell from the trailer, the general behind Steel Rats revolves around an alien invasion by a dead species of Junkbots. To find out who sent the aliens, where they come from, and why they want to wipe out humanity, you’ll have to take over as the Steel Rats, a biker gang with no choice but to defend the city.

For more on Steel Rats, check out Tate Multimedia describes the game:

Become one with your bike as you master the realistic physics-based controls of these powerful and deadly vehicles. Choose how you want to tear through the stylized and highly detailed environments of Steel Rats, traversing up, down, left and right as your bike speeds fluidly in and out of the game world, over rooftops and through enemy-infested tunnels.

Join the Steel Rats, a larger-than-life punk biker gang who once ruled the streets of Coastal City and now find themselves as the last line of defense against an invading horde of destructive and constantly evolving army of junkbots. Choose your character, and unlock new special abilities and customizable bikes to fight with style through vast areas of the city in a deadly mix of speed, agility and firepower.

Steel Rats is due out in 2018 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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Report: Fallout 76 Not a Traditional Single-Player RPG, Will Be An Online Survival Game

Fallout 76 online

Aside from a brief trailer setting the stage for today’s Fallout 76 announcement, very little is actually known about the game. The vibe of the world seems sufficiently Fallout in nature, but new reports suggest Fallout 76 won’t be the traditional single-player RPG we’re thinking it will be.

According to Kotaku’s Jason Schreier–who has a track record for being right about a lot of unannounced information–Fallout 76 will be an online game of some sort, and not that traditional Fallout experience we’ve come to know. Along with today’s announcement, Schreier has tweeted multiple times adamantly that those “expecting Fallout 76 to be a new traditional single-player RPG will be VERY disappointed.” It’s a bold claim to make, but Schreier is a seasoned enough games journalist with a clear history of knowing his stuff, so we’re including to think there’s some truth to his statements.

Note that in his original tweet, Schreier simply says “From what I’ve heard, Fallout 76 is an online game of some sort.” The game is apparently being “Developed by BGS [Bethesda Game Studios] in both Maryland and Austin (formerly Battlecry).” Battlecry Studios had previously been working on an online hero-shooter called Battlecry that was canceled.

Shortly after these tweets, Schreier released a full report detailing what he knows about Fallout 76. Apparently the game is an online survival RPG in the same vein as games like DayZ and Rust. Shcreier claims to have three sources that have corroborated this information

“Originally prototyped as a multiplayer version of Fallout 4 with the goal of envisioning what an online Fallout game might look like, Fallout 76 has evolved quite a bit over the past few years, those sources said. It will have quests and a story, like any other game from Bethesda Game Studios, a developer known for meaty RPGs like Skyrim. It will also feature base-building—just like 2015’s Fallout 4—and other survival-based and multiplayer mechanics, according to those sources. One source cautioned that the gameplay is rapidly changing, like it does in many online “service” games, but that’s the core outline.”

The setting of Vault 76 actually makes sense for a game of this type, which would be more of a prequel than other Fallout games were. Vault 76 was originally designed to open only 20 years after the nukes wiped out the world (as opposed to the 200 years later that Fallout 3 and 4 took place in), which would make the world far less civilized and hostile, enabling Bethesda’s ability to tie online survival elements into the game.

If there’s any truth to this rumor, it would make sense that this game isn’t called Fallout 5. Bethesda is likely reserving that main numbered title for a proper single-player RPG Fallout. For the next week and a half, we’ll just have to wonder what Fallout 76 could be while waiting for more information at Bethesda’s E3 Showcase.

The Bethesda E3 Showcase will be live streaming on Sunday, June 10 at 6:30 pm PT. We’ll have the stream embedded right here on PlayStation LifeStyle for you to watch live.

[Source: Kotaku]

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Dreams Gameplay Walkthrough Reveals How You Dream and Create

Dreams gameplay walkthrough looks great

Sony takes the opportunity to uncover more Dreams gameplay. Just in case you didn’t know, Dreams is a mysterious new project straight from the folks at Media Molecule, the creative minds behind LittleBigPlanet. Sony’s info described the game as “an extraordinary open-ended experience where you can make anything, from interactive adventures and platformers, to shoot ‘em ups, puzzlers and more.” The Dreams gameplay walkthrough finally shows us more. Before you dig into that though, you might want to check out our Dreams hands-on preview.

Ever since the game popped up way back in 2013, during a PS4 reveal event, we really didn’t know much about it. Finally, we are taking a look at a lengthy gameplay walkthrough video posted over at the PS YouTube channel:

As you can see, when playing Dreams it’s rather easy to navigate your canvas (basically, a massive open space). The motion sensors of the DualShock 4 are doing their work, while objects can be grabbed with the R2 trigger. Meanwhile, holding the R1 focuses your viewpoint to an object, allowing players to move the controller to swing their viewpoint around. To cut a long story short, the controls seem intuitive and easy-to-use, which is crucial.

Also, when you look at this, you have to admit that it has Media Molecule’s signiture written all over it – a huge open world ready to be explored, cute-looking characters etc.

What do you guys think about this one?

[Source: PlayStation YouTube]

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Team Sonic Racing Officially Announced, Launching Winter 2018

team sonic racing

After details leaked earlier today regarding a new Team Sonic Racing game, Sega has officially announced that the title will, in fact, be coming out, with the company targeting a winter 2018 release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. To celebrate the news, Sega has also released a trailer for the upcoming game, showing Sonic and Shadow getting set to race in some pretty nice looking vehicles

According to Sega, Team Sonic Racing will combine the best elements of arcade and fast-paced competitive style racing games to bring a unique take on the genre. Players will be able to take part in online multiplayer races, play with their friends in four player split screen, and have a ton of choices when it comes to single-player racing modes. Team Sonic Racing will also feature team racing, where players can use various team moves to assist their teammates as they try to take first place.

Preorders for the game are available starting today, and here’s an overview of Team Sonic Racing, courtesy of Sega:

Team Sonic Racing lets fans speed through vibrant circuits from the Sonic Universe as Sonic, Shadow, Tails, and more while taking part in an electrifying multiplayer racing competition. Compete solo or play with up to 12 drivers online in various exhilarating single and multiplayer game modes, including Grand Prix, Time Trial, Team Adventure and more.  With unique character types, game modes, and car customization options, Team Sonic Racing blends the best elements of racing games.

Key Features:

  • Online Multiplayer & Local Co-Op Modes – 12 players per race, 4 player split screen, and various offline / online race modes including Grand Prix Mode, Exhibition Mode, Time-Trial and Team Adventure Mode.

  • Team Racing – Race as a team, win as a team. Use various team moves to assist your teammates, knock out opponents and unleash your Team Ultimate.

  • Performance & Skin Customization – Alter the appearance and handling of your vehicle.

  • Wisps – 14 spectacular offensive and defensive items to help overcome rival teams and get ahead!

  • Adventure Mode – Unique story experience where players are introduced to basic game features and characters.

  • Various Characters and Types – 15 playable characters from across the Sonic Universe and 3 distinct character types including Speed, Technique, and Power.

Team Sonic Racing is set to launch sometime in winter 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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June 2018 PlayStation Plus Free Games Include XCOM 2, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Free 2018 May PlayStation Plus Games Revealed

It’s the Wednesday before the first Tuesday of a month, and we all know what a special day that is. No, it’s not the day that Fallout 76 got announced and revealed with a new trailer (okay, well it is that too). It’s PS Plus free game reveal day, which is basically a holiday to any subscribers. Sony has announced that the free PlayStation Plus free games for June 2018 will include the brutally difficult strategy game, XCOM 2. While it’s not always the case, the lists between North America and Europe are completely identical in June. That means everyone gets to enjoy the same games. The current games will go away on June 5, so players still have time to redeem games like Beyond: Two SoulsRayman LegendsRisen 3: Titan Lords, and more.

Here are the games both leaving and entering the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection next week on June 5, 2018 in North America and Europe:

Leaving the Instant Game Collection

Entering the Instant Game Collection in North America and Europe

These titles will become available on June 5, 2018. Until then, subscribers will still be able to redeem May’s line-up of titles. One a title is redeemed, you can download and play it at any time as long as you have an active PlayStation Plus subscription.

What do you think of the June 2018 PlayStation Plus free games? Which free PlayStation 4 game of the selection will you be playing first? Are you happy or disappointed with the list? Let us know what you think about all of the PlayStation Plus bonuses in the comment section below! Don’t miss the new weekly PlayStation Store sales, which include a large number of Plus discounts this week.

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Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 Remasters Will Not Include Any Cut Content

yakuza 3 remaster

When the upcoming remasters for Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, and Yakuza 5 were announced, fans of the series were hoping that some sort of extra content would be included in the game, whether it be extra scenes or just some extra options as far as gameplay goes. Unfortunately, however, the remasters will feature no extra content, according to SEGA’s chief creative officer Toshihiro Nagoshi.

During a recent streaming broadcast (above) discussing the three upcoming remasters, Nagoshi revealed that the remasters will be intended mainly for new fans of the game overseas who didn’t get a chance to experience the games originally. After Yakuza 0 released, the series had a sort of renaissance outside of Japan, and with Yakuza 6: The Song of Life selling incredibly well, it made sense to introduce fans of the series to the older games.

In the same video, Nagoshi confirms that there will be no cut content in the remasters, meaning that players who already checked out the game won’t have to play it again strictly for new content purposes. Of course, it would have been nice to see some extra stuff in the game, but introducing new fans to the world of Yakuza is a fine consolation nonetheless.

For more information on the Yakuza series, more specifically the great sales of Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, check out below:

When Yakuza 6: The Song of Life launched in the United States last month, it did so to much fanfare. Fans had been waiting for some time to finally get their hands on the title, and that excitement translated to sales. According to the latest NPD’s, Yakuza 6 did well enough to slot into the 17th spot on the top 20 list of best-selling games for the month. While that might not seem high to most, that’s actually the best any Yakuza game has done in the Western territories, making Yakuza 6 the most successful Western release the franchise has ever known.

What do you think? Are you still excited to pick up the Yakuza remasters, or were you hoping for some additional content? Let us know below.

[Source: SEGAbits]

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Vegito and Zamasu DLC Coming Tomorrow for Dragon Ball FigherZ

Dragon Ball FigherZ DLC coming tomorrow

If you’re in the mood to kick someone’s ass in a proper beat-’em-up, now is the perfect opportunity, folks. As we’ve learned last week, new DLC is on the way for Dragon Ball FighterZ, Bandai Namco Entertainment just informed us. This will be a great slice of content for Vegito and Zamasu fans. Both bad-ass fighters are going to step into the arena of battle starting tomorrow, May 31. The Dragon Ball FigherZ DLC is going to be available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

For those of you who can’t wait to have a gander at these two fighters, have a looksy:

Here’s the word:

As an amalgam of Goku and Vegeta, Vegito displays personality and power traits from both characters.

As the Supreme Kai apprentice, Zamasu embodies both wisdom and strength, perceiving his opponent’s attack style and countering with unparalleled fluidity.

To learn more about the main game, check out our Dragon Ball FighterZ review.

Oh yeah, and that’s not all. If you’ll recall we’ve also learned about several leaked characters which (apart from Zamasu, and Vegito) include, Goku (base form), Vegeta (base form), Android 17 (Dragon Ball Super), and a brand new edition version of Cooler.


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Report: Shadows Die Twice Details Leak, Detailing Latest From Software Game

shadows die twice details

During the 2017 Game Awards, From Software released a teaser clip for to its newest project, known only as Shadows Die Twice at the time. Since then, fans have been trying to decipher anything they can about the upcoming title, but it seems like recent leaks ahead of E3 2018 might have detailed some of what we can expect.

According to a post on 4chan’s /v/ board (via Game Rant), the Shadows Die Twice project will be somewhat similar to Dark Souls in terms of gameplay and atmosphere but will be different from the clear-cut “level/Boss design” of the Souls games. According to the post, the game will also be “a lot more open” and will feature a “more directly told story,” whatever that might mean.

The post goes on to say that gameplay will be similar to Bloodborne, but will be “more vicious and brutal” and will feature “skills” that include various melee moves, passive abilities, and magic, but won’t feature “big flashy Diablo-style attacks.” Allegedly, trick weapons will supposedly be included in the game, with some weapons having upwards of 3 variations on them. The game also won’t feature any “side arms or shields”, apparently, but will allow players to use blocking and countering with their own, with each said to have a “unique counter ability”

As far as the story goes, the leak alleges that the game will focus on “an ancient cult, that has been using farmers for their dark rituals since hundreds of years.” Apparently, this cult is worried about the end of the world and has been sacrificing people while also experimenting on them, resulting in tons of creatures to fight. The main character in the game will apparently start out as a “heavily maimed and disfigured person” who is then saved by someone “who gives you a new face.” Most notably, the figure who saves the protagonist also replaces their arm, giving them a “multi-functional device” that operates as a prosthetic for the game, but also has other uses like acting as a grappling gun.

Finally, it wouldn’t be a From Software title if it didn’t include PvP elements, and this one will apparently include them as well, with players being able to “enter the world of another player and take control of a monster” in order to fight. There will also reportedly be a dynamic weather and day/night system in place, with the weather bringing out different types of creatures.

Of course, it’s important to take this information with a grain of salt, but with E3 2018 right around the corner, we hopefully won’t have to wait too long to see if these rumors are true or not. In the meantime, let us know what you’d like to see from Shadows Die Twice.

[Source: Game Rant]

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Monster Hunter: World Gets Lunastra, The Empress of Flame

Monster Hunter World Free Update hitting PSN today

Capcom spreads the word via Capcom-Unity that their hugely successful monster-slaying RPG, Monster Hunter: World, is going to get another massive monster for players to track down and capture (or kill). You’ll be glad to know that the Monster Hunter: World free update arrives today. Okay, it’s only a new monster, but it’s free, so who cares.

The monster is called Lunastra, the Empress of Flame, and boy does she (or it?) look bad-ass. Have a peek at the trailer below:

By the way, Lunastra will be available for in just under 12 hours, today at 5pm PT.

Here’s the word:

The Empress of Flame returns with new tricks and unique abilities to challenge even the most seasoned hunters. Not only is she more aggressive than her male companion Teostra, but her capacity to alter the environment around her is unmatched. Stay awake and alert to her burning blue fire at all times if you want to survive.

Teamwork is a powerful tool to conquer any foe in Monster Hunter, however hunters beware, Lunastra has learned this lesson as well. With the ability to fight alongside her mate Teostra and bond with him for devastating attacks, you’ll want to get a full hunting party stocked up on Lifepowders if you want to stand a chance against this power couple.

Hunting monsters in this game was one of the most challenging experiences I ever had in a video game. It has one insanely steep learning curve, but man, is it worth it. Check out our review of MHW.

As far as Capcom is concerned, we do know that the publisher has made some serious bucks with MHW. In addition, there are two major games yet to be revealed from Capcom, so let’s just wait and see. After all, we’ll know more come E3 2018.

[Source: Capcom-Unity]

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The Next Fallout Game is Fallout 76

fallout 76

After spending much of yesterday teasing players with the possibility of a new Fallout game, Bethesda has delivered, revealing today that the next game in the series would be titled Fallout 76. Along with the name of the game, Bethesda also released a teaser trailer that features what looks to be a brand new vault set in a brand new time period.

You can check out the teaser trailer for Fallout 76 below:

The short trailer for the game didn’t reveal much other than a resident putting on an iconic Pip-Boy wearable computer as they look to celebrate “reclamation day.” His jumpsuit is stitched with the number 76, which could indicate a lot of things but is most likely what Vault the game will place you in from the start. While no other details were available about the new game, Bethesda did say more information would be available during their Bethesda E3 Showcase, which is set to take place on June 10 at 6:30 pm PT.

The last major entry in the Fallout series, Fallout 4, was released at the end of 2015, and introduced players to a destroyed and radiated version of Boston. The game also introduced the idea of settlements and building into the game, and continued to support it through various expansions and mod support in the coming years. While we wait for E3 2018 to get here, make sure to let us know below what you think Fallout 76 might be, including where you think the game might be set and if you’re excited for it.

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Netflix releases a trailer for 'The Magic Order' comic book

If you still can't wrap your head around the fact that Netflix is publishing a comic book, maybe this trailer can help. The streaming giant has released an animated trailer for The Magic Order by Mark Millar's comic book empire, which Netflix snapped...

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MoviePass parent company gets into the film production business

Helios and Matheson Analytics, the parent company of movie ticket subscription service MoviePass, is trying to vertically integrate its business with a new acquisition. It has an "exclusive option" to acquire the library and production slate of Emmet...

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Foursquare puts check-in data to greater use in apps like Snapchat

Foursquare might not be as big as it was in its heyday, but it has a clever strategy for remaining important: it's making itself indispensable to the apps you use every day. On top of its recent Tinder Places deal, it's becoming the main point-of-in...

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Hulu’s live TV service surpasses 800,000 subscribers

During an interview with CNBC today, Hulu CEO Randy Freer said that the company's live TV service had surpassed 800,000 subscribers, with April being the best month yet for gaining new customers. The live service launched just over a year ago and in...

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California Senate passes net neutrality bill

California just edged closer to establishing its own net neutrality law in the wake of the FCC's decision to kill federal measures. The state Senate has passed a bill that would not only institute rules like those the FCC implemented in 2015, but wo...

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Google's Pixel 3 XL might have a notch and edge-to-edge screen

We've been impressed with Google's Pixel phones, but their terrible sales haven't lived up to their critical reputation. The Pixel 2 replaced the first model after just a year, so it was a good bet that the Pixel 3 would come out around the same time...

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Sixers president accused of leaking info with burner Twitter accounts

More than a few people have burner Twitter accounts to track news, comment anonymously or even make in-jokes between friends. For Philadelphia 76ers basketball operations president Bryan Colangelo, however, those disposable accounts may land him in...

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Judge dismisses Kaspersky lawsuits over government ban

Last year, the US government made moves to ban the use of Kaspersky security software in federal agencies, claiming the company's ties to the Russian government represented a security risk. In September, the Department of Homeland Security issued an...

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Food delivery drones take flight in China

You don't have to wait for food delivery drones... if you live in the right part of China. Alibaba's online meal giant has been cleared to use drones for delivering orders in Shanghai's Jinshan Industrial Park. The initiative won't deliver dir...

from Engadget RSS Feed

NBA's AR app gives you on-court access

The next high-tech push from the NBA uses augmented reality to put you behind the scenes of the post-season. Simply open the NBA AR app (on either Android or iOS), place the AR target and walk through a "door" to experience the 360 Portals feature's...

from Engadget RSS Feed

US will limit visas for Chinese tech students

The Trump adminstration's ever-growing trade fight with China is about to have a significant impact on Chinese students traveling abroad. After the State Department confirmed that it would shorten the length of some Chinese citizens' visas, the AP h...

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Google Assistant fired a gun: We need to talk

For better or worse, Google Assistant can do it all. From mundane tasks like turning on your lights and setting reminders to convincingly mimicking human speech patterns, the AI helper is so capable it's scary. Its latest (unofficial) ability, though...

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Google's AR drawing app lets Android and iOS users collab on doodles

You no longer need an Android phone to try Google's take on augmented reality drawing. The tech giant has released an iOS version of Just a Line that brings the same three-dimensional doodling to the iPhone crowd. It's largely the same app you saw in...

from Engadget RSS Feed

Apple Music sets up publishing division as it chases down Spotify

Apple Music has been on its way to overtake Spotify in terms of subscriber base for a while now. The service got a new boss, Oliver Schusser, this past April, as well. Now, Schusser's first major initiative appears to be the launch of Apple's own mus...

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Audi e-tron's optional side cameras will help maximize range

Audi has a novel way to reduce drag and maximize the range of its electric e-tron SUV: it plans to offer an option to nix side mirrors. Instead, the car can use cameras, and display images from them on OLED screens between the instrument panel and th...

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Tesla Model 3 earns Consumer Reports recommendation with brake update

Earlier this month, Consumer Reports chose not to recommend Tesla's Model 3 due to a handful of factors, though most notably because of a long 60-to-0MPH braking distance. While Tesla claimed the car could come to a stop in 133 feet, Consumer Reports...

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Sega's 'Team Sonic Racing' is all about co-op karting

Sega can't resist Sonic the Hedgehog-themed racing games, but this time it's adding a twist that might have a meaningful impact on gameplay. It's offering a sneak peek at Team Sonic Racing, which introduces (surprise!) a team dynamic to the familiar...

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In NBC’s ‘Reverie,’ VR can be a little too enticing

The first episode of NBC's Reverie opens with a bang, as a man leads a woman through a stunning library with a crystal chandelier, discussing a "quiet night in." They're both dressed to the nines, so it's clear what's about to happen is anything but....

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Google brings AR tours to its Expeditions field trip app

Last year, Google announced that it was working on bringing AR to its Expeditions platform and since then, it has been testing AR expeditions with around one million students. Today, the company has made those AR tours available to everyone, adding a...

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Google Chrome now supports more password-free sign-ins

Google is acting on its promise to banish more passwords. It just released Chrome 67 for the desktop, bringing the Web Authentication standard to what's arguably the most popular browser. As with Firefox, the technology allows password-free sign-in...

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It's the perfect time to give 'Pokémon Go' another chance

I loved the idea of Pokémon Go when it launched in the summer of 2016. Like so many others, though, I eventually deleted the app due to numerous bugs and the toll it was taking on my smartphone's battery. If you fall into the same camp, but st...

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Valve removes 'Active Shooter' from Steam amid outcry

Valve has removed Active Shooter from its Steam platform. The game allowed players to play through school shooting scenarios either as a civilian, the shooter or the police. As The Guardian reports, the game apparently started as a SWAT team simulato...

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The Wyze Cam Pan offers robust security for just $30

There are plenty of connected cameras to record the goings-on in your home or office. But few offer as much value as the $20 WyzeCam. It packs a surprising amount of functionality into a tiny stationary frame. But for those who need more coverage fro...

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Oculus Venues tries to cram the stadium experience into a VR headset

For the past couple of years now, Oculus and parent-company Facebook have been really pushing the concept of social VR. Oculus debuted Parties, a built-in voice chat app, and Rooms, a virtual hangout space, back in 2016, while Facebook launched its o...

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Paramount Players bought the film rights for Creepy Crawlers

Creepy Crawlers are the reason I didn't learn to cook until I was in my mid-twenties. The anti-Easy-Bake Oven left a deep impression in me that anything I cooked should spurt neon green guts when I smashed it under my fist, or it wasn't worth the effort.

I've since grown up, realized my errors, became a productive member of society, and forgot about Creepy Crawlers. But Paramount Players has me punching baked potatoes all over again, since they've bought the film rights to the Creepy Crawlers toy line.

There isn't a writer or director attached or any additional details, but this sounds like a pretty good idea that I have faith will see the light of day.

Paramount Players bought the film rights for Creepy Crawlers screenshot


from destructoid

So, uh, is she in the tower or...?

Agony has some problems. Most of them are frustrating and infuriating. This one is good, though -- a little slice of paradiso in the depths of inferno.

So, uh, is she in the tower or...? screenshot

from destructoid

Pokemon Quest is adorable, but ultimately just another tapper

Recently, we witnessed a slew of new Pokémon game reveals, ranging from the rumored Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, to even a confirmation of a new “core game” releasing later in 2019. However, it was the first announcement of the night that seemed like the odd one out in the form of a freemium title known as Pokémon Quest. The game featured bizarre cube-shaped Pokémon known as "Pokéxel" and was surprise-released on the Nintendo eShop.

Developed by Game Freak and released for the Nintendo Switch (with a planned release on iOS and Android in June), Pokémon Quest has you exploring the blocky designed world of Tumblecube Island. Once there, you'll search for treasure, ingredients to cook, and battle wild Pokéxel. Your adventure starts by making your way to the island and choosing your first Pokéxel between either Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Eevee.

Pokemon Quest is adorable, but ultimately just another tapper screenshot


from destructoid

You can nab the entire ARMA series for $20 at Humble Bundle

Humble Bundle is at it again with another enticing bundle to add to your backlog. This time, you'll be able to nab the entire Arma series for $20, though you can opt for a lower tier if you already have some of these games. What really sweetens the deal is that the ridiculous Arma 3 Karts is included, which is tempting me to pluck down a Jackson on this.

For some odd reason, at the time of writing the "Beat the Average" tier is actually more expensive than the third tier. I'm guessing a lot of people are putting down $20 to nab Arma 3 Apex, thus increasing the average price. Whatever the case, you'll get a tremendous amount of content for nearly any price and the proceeds will go towards the American Red Cross. That sounds good enough for me.

You can nab the entire ARMA series for $20 at Humble Bundle screenshot


from destructoid

The 300 Week 21: Han Solo Is My Co-Pilot to 150 (Plus a Rant on Bad Film Projection at Movie Theaters)

Hey there, nerf herders, and welcome back to The 300, a recurring feature on my scruffy-looking attempt to watch 300 movies in theaters in the year 2018. I’ll be watching new releases, classics, cult movies, and hidden gems to experience the wide world of cinema in all its forms. There should be something here each week that you can also enjoy (or not).

As always, there are three rules for The 300:

  • The movie must be at least 40 minutes long, meeting the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ definition of a feature film.
  • I must watch the movie at a movie theater, screening room, or outdoor screening venue.
  • While I can watch movies I’ve seen before 2018, I cannot count repeated viewings of the same film in 2018 multiple times.

Folks, we’re over 150 films this week! The halfway mark has been reached and surpassed, and there’s still seven months left in 2018. Seven months is also probably the life expectancy of MoviePass at this rate.

We’ve got a lot to get through at this halfway mark, so I won’t dally much longer in the intro. Besides, I want close this week discussing an issue that ruins the moviegoing experience for everyone: dim projectors and low-quality projection.

And so, onward.

The 300 Week 21: Han Solo Is My Co-Pilot to 150 (Plus a Rant on Bad Film Projection at Movie Theaters) screenshot


from destructoid

Play the Yomawari series under the covers with the Nintendo Switch-bound Long Night Collection

NIS America is putting together a chilling bundle for horror-loving Nintendo Switch owners. 2016's Yomawari: Night Alone and 2017's Yomawari: Midnight Shadows are coming to Switch via Yomawari: The Long Night Collection, which is due out October 26 in Europe and October 30 in North America.

Night Alone and Midnight Shadows are both ghost stories that revolve around young protagonists slowly but surely making their way through a spooky town. You'll need to explore, look for key items, and try not to let monsters and other supernatural entities get the better of you. Both titles are on the shorter side, so having them compiled like this will be particularly great for first-time players.

Aside from the standard edition, NIS is also prepping a limited edition with a collector's box.

Play the Yomawari series under the covers with the Nintendo Switch-bound Long Night Collection screenshot

from destructoid

Yaga is a charming action-RPG take on Slavic folklore

Mythology, folklore, and video games go so well together. If I didn't already hold that opinion, then Yaga, an upcoming action-RPG drawing from Slavic culture and stories, would've shown me the light.

In Yaga, you play a blacksmith caught between the competing desires of the greedy Tzar and Baba Yaga. You'll fight creatures, help villagers, and make your way through an "adaptive" narrative.

The team at Breadcrumbs Interactive cited a few notable sources of inspiration, and having played Yaga at Nordic Game 2018 (where the project ended up winning the Nordic Discovery Contest), I think the results showed. The preview build was polished, engaging, and left me intrigued.

The developers looked to Bastion for smooth combat, Binding of Isaac for replayability and secrets, Guacamelee for how it respected culture, and 80 Days for its meaningful-choice-driven gameplay.

I didn't get to dig too deep into different gear or mess around with crafting new tools, but I had grand old time using a grapple to pull monsters in and follow up with a few swings. There's a snappy dodge roll -- always the first thing I want to know about in action-RPGs -- and it feels great here.

During certain moments, you'll be able to choose how you want a quest to unfold and the system works wonderfully with the folklore backdrop. The trailer does a good job capturing how this feels in-game.

Crossroads are a sacred and magical place in Slavic folklore, where all places and directions meet, and all time fades away. In Yaga, they enable the players to have a direct impact on the game. Each crossroads allows players to make a choice about the next chapters in the story: about what the character does (seek the help of a witch, or face the villain directly), where he does it (traverse a lush forest or a putrid swamp), or how he wants to do it (difficult shortcut or relaxed journey).

While the game is story-driven, it also employs roguelike elements. Here's how Breadcrumbs puts it: "The level generator selects a balanced mix of roleplaying and combat encounters from a large library of quests and special rooms (merchants, secrets, shrines). These are then laid out following rules based on type of region, dramatic flow, encouraging exploration, and specific narrative goals for that level."

I only just scratched the surface of Yaga, but I'm curious to see how the character and story progression hold up in a full playthrough where choices are more meaningful than the gut-reaction picks I made in a demo build. It's hard to get a clear, expansive view of a game like this in the span of just 15 minutes, but I did see enough to know we can expect good things. You can track its ongoing development here.

Yaga is a charming action-RPG take on Slavic folklore screenshot


from destructoid

Mad Max meets PUBG in Fractured Lands, a new post-apocalytpic battle royale game

Fractured Lands is a brand new, post-apocalyptic, battle royale game coming from developer Unbroken Studios (comprised of staff that previously worked on the Call of Duty, Medal of Honor and Battlefield series). The game will task players with gunning down their opposition and driving off into the sunset before getting murdered themselves. Your car, "is your lifeline, your greatest weapon, strongest armor," reads the Steam store listing and it seems the game will have a heavy focus on vehicular combat.

The game will be launching in Early-Access at some point in July 2018, but you can currently sign-up to take part in the closed beta at the official website. The beta will run on the weekends of June 8, 22 and 29, though there isn't an indicator of how many codes will be available. In fact, there isn't much known about the game other than it bears a strong resemblance to Borderlands and Mad Max.

That being said, I'm pretty interested. A lot of other battle royale games (such as Ring of Elysium and Last Man Standing) tend to just ape Battlegrounds instead of creating their own defined aesthetic. Fractured Lands, though, looks totally different from the current crop of games. Then again, the Early-Access part kind of has me worried, since this sub-genre tends to be buggy, unpolished and riddled with connectivity issues.

Mad Max meets PUBG in Fractured Lands, a new post-apocalytpic battle royale game screenshot


from destructoid

Review: Baobabs Mausoleum Volume 1: Ovnifagos Don't Eat Flamingos

If you couldn't tell by now, I'm far more interested in wacky, goofy, and flat-out weird games than I am your typical AAA release. It's just more fun to see the strange afterbirth of a good old-fashioned mindfuck than it is to climb radio towers or open lootboxes or do any of the other stuff that modern gaming has embraced as of late.

Sometimes, that gamble pays off and I get rewarded with a unique and wonderful experience that could only be created by a small team unfettered by corporate pressure. Sometimes that gamble doesn't pay off and I waste hours of my life on a game that just couldn't put into motion the ambition of its creator.

Baobabs Mausoleum Volume 1: Ovnifagos Don't Eat Flamingos is the former, but only barely.

Review: Baobabs Mausoleum Volume 1: Ovnifagos Don't Eat Flamingos screenshot


from destructoid

June's PS Plus lineup sees XCOM 2 and Trials Fusion headline

The PlayStation Plus lineup for June 2018 has been revealed and it actually has some pretty solid stuff for PS4. On the current-gen front, you'll be getting XCOM 2 and Trials Fusion. PS3, on the other hand, gets only a single title and it isn't even good. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is certainly better than Wildlands, but it is a very restrictive and scripted "stealth" game with overblown action and asinine set-pieces that throw realism straight out the window. It hardly deserves the "Tom Clancy" moniker and isn't really worth much of a look in 2018.

As for Vita, you'll be getting two games that I don't really know much about. Destructoid gave Atomic Ninjas a 5.5, but I've never even heard of Squares. It seems all right, I suppose. You'll be able to nab these titles next Wednesday when the PlayStation store updates. That means you'll have until June 6 to nab this month's lineup.

June's PS Plus lineup sees XCOM 2 and Trials Fusion headline screenshot


from destructoid

PUBG reveals list of top priority fixes, admits it has 'fallen short'

PUBG Corp. has released a "Dev Letter" to the community of the online shooter PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. The State of the Union-style address, posted on the game's official Steam page, admits that the team have been "rightfully called out" on bad communication, with hopes to create a better line of dialogue with the community going forward.

Following this statement is a long list of fixes currently being undertaken to improve the overall PUBG experience. This includes fixes to the performance of in-game assets, such as character movement, animation and the implementation of vehicles. But the team seems mostly concerned with the technical jank that affects their Battle Royale title, such as lighting problems, frame-rate drops and loading times.

On the server side of things, PUBG Corp. are working to improve the game's general online stability, as well as tweaking data transfer code to prevent items and scenery from spawning in late. Of course, constant work is being done to combat that demon of online gaming: lag.

PUBG reveals list of top priority fixes, admits it has 'fallen short' screenshot


from destructoid

Just Cause maker Avalanche acquired by Nordisk Film

Just Cause and Max Max developer Avalanche Studios is being acquired by Nordisk Film, with the media company moving from minority shareholder to full owner. Speaking to, Avalanche CEO Pim Holfve called it "the right offer, at the right time, from the right company."

"Nordisk Film are also fully committed to our road map, and feel that Avalanche Studios are headed in the right direction, so they don't want to mess with that," said Holfve. "Being able to maintain our creative independence, while at the same time being acquired by stable, long-term owners is the best possible scenario, and I couldn't be happier to have them onboard."

Along with supporting The Hunter: Call of the Wild, the studio is co-developing Rage 2. Avalanche also recently opened an office in Malmö, Sweden to work on "relatively small and flexible projects which rest on a solid foundation of AAA production values and award-winning proprietary technology."

The €89 million acquisition should be finalized in June. Time will tell where this deal ultimately leads, but at least for the foreseeable future, it should bring much-needed stability for Avalanche.

Nordisk Film acquires Avalanche Studios []

Just Cause maker Avalanche acquired by Nordisk Film screenshot

from destructoid

PyroMind is a frantic puzzle game about defusing bombs

No more than ten seconds into my first round of PyroMind, I knew I was hooked. It's a simple but filling action-puzzler in which you strategically move across tiles, defusing bombs to score points and stay alive. New bombs regularly appear, and every time you move a space, the timers tick down by one.

Technically, it's turn-based, but playing PyroMind at Nordic Game 2018, I kept having to fight my instinct to move as quickly as possible (because that's what you do in video games, dang it all). When an explosion reaches another bomb, it can set off a chain reaction that might fill the whole screen. Moving like a maniac was fun, but a more thoughtful plan of attack is advised when you're just starting out.

Developer Dbabicius also had the multiplayer mode on-hand, and it adds another layer of tension. Each player takes up residence on one side of a rectangular board, and they're separated by a laser in the middle of the screen. If someone takes enough of a lead, the laser will begin verging toward their opponent, giving the poor sap even less room to work with as they try to defuse and dodge.

PyroMind feels snappy and strategic in all the right ways and I sure hope all of you puzzle lovers out there get your hands on it. It's coming to PC, but I also badly want it for my Switch.

PyroMind is a frantic puzzle game about defusing bombs screenshot

from destructoid

The animation of Thundercats Roar doesn't matter

For the past couple of days, my newsfeed on Facebook has been ablaze with people talking about the new Thundercats TV show, Thundercats Roar, and none of it has been positive. People have insulted the show for pissing on the legacy of the original series, how much worse modern kids shows are compared to the ones we grew up on, and how American animation has become nothing but garbage. Cartoon Network has pretty much gotten under the skin of anyone that had access to a keyboard that grew up watching the channel in the late '90s and early 2000s.

I've always been a big proponent of animation of what kind of shows/movies kids watch. I always advocate for animation and stories that challenge and teach kids valuable lessons as well as entertain them with goofy and dumb fun. There can be a balance between the styles of kids' shows. Not every show has to be a super serious show that challenges both adults and kids, just as not every show has to be a dumb comedy that kids can laugh and reference with other kids. The difference is how those products are marketed and whether or not they're even good for kids. A movie like The Secret Life of Pets may be a silly kids movie, but it at least is not as toxic to a child's development as The Emoji Movie is. They both are trying to appeal to the same demographics, but one is clearly not as destructive as the other. 

So when I'm talking about Thundercats Roar and the reaction to it, I'm taking it from the approach of someone that watches some kids cartoons without a kid, loves anime, goes to see kids movies, and is someone that has been around the block a few times with the modern Cartoon Network. And after a little time to think about it, I firmly believe that people need to calm the hell down about Thundercats Roar and its animation. It isn't the end of the world, it isn't the low point in Western animation, and this isn't the darkest timeline. 

The animation of Thundercats Roar doesn't matter screenshot


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